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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
A 17-year-old girl comes to the emergency ...
Speak with the patient and her parents about the findings ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: ethics

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submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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"iahspncysi uodlhs asalyw geruaenco ehahtyl mdariri-augnno mntcmoi.oiu"nca

Alos ro'euy inogg to od smoe rouises sthign ot eurc ihts l'irgs eesd,isa dgnalei pu to ap.tmniuoat Yuo tcna dieh hatt rmfo er.h

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djjix  Non esnes ... ouy nac ehdi eht tpmoitauan romf erh +22
charcot_bouchard  Just hswo hre neo gle .wicte +8
pg32  I idpkec es"qutre ttha an o.l.osg".tcoin cuebsea I gferidu it dolwu eb ebtrte ot have nemoeso thiw oemr wkednolge fo texn spset nad sosinopgr sudsics the eidsesa twih teh lamfyi sa reaopdmc to mnosoee inkogwr in teh .E.D. why si hatt g?onwr +7
ibestalkinyo  @p:3g2 rigerRnfe to arnhteo anphiysic is motlsa reenv na wsnera ofr ML/SMUNEEB sqitnos.ue s,uPl I elfe ekil isth uodlw eb inghdi the niptsate' emprlob form erh dan het ista'petn p.satnre +8
dunkdum  I tknhi eht nesrao taht oyu ueenqrigts het lootgnocis tsin the mtso ccerort saenrw here si s..ebuca.e even fi rmeo tstse eddene ot be on..ed. you wdluo tsill sdscsui itwh oruy aietptn tobua taht acft nad asy y"eH shtee serulst cmae kacb gnistusegg htat oyu thgmi eahv hsti ,saisdee ew llwi edne ot do remo nstietg ot ekma rsue ew nca get it tkean ecra fo fi uyo in fact evah tish ae.d"isse and 'oduy borlbypa od ttha roefbe uoy og nda egt eht oo.ngitlsoc +6
peteandplop  @p32g I was indk of htiw ,oyu btu I ewtn whit the rcrceto nrawse bceeaus ti yass LYSRGONT gvesesuti.g If 'eryuo iggnvi me a wrpuoelf rowd ot erylal mhasiepze sith si ,cearstoosmao et'rehs on eedn ot layde pssagin htta tnonoiiarfm to ,enitpat dna in htsi ecas fo a nom,ri her eap.nsrt +5

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submitted by โˆ—epiglotitties(29)
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shiT ni'st eth csoainer ni siht eni,tuosq btu I was ngdrnoewi tahw ldwuo heppan if uoy dha tlod teh nrpsate hte goadsiisn adn tyeh 'tdidn anwt hiret hdilc ot kon?w

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submitted by โˆ—stepwarrior(29)
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ouY dulohs fndi uto erehtwh ro nto seh ntaws her eatpsrn ot wonk isrft

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misterdoctor69  sh'eS a miron hotu.hg +2

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