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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
An 83-year-old man is brought to the ...
Early septic shock 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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cepSit hkocs si a ptye of etudibriivts choks iwhch si dramke by ssmeaiv iivdtaslooan t(/d tyonairmfaml oeepns)rs gsicuan ddarseece RV,S aereddcse plraedo / ,PWCP dna iesrdneac .CO

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smc213  iStpec ocskh nca saol epsernt tihw yhrhmopaeti &l3;Ct6 +3
bethune  Why si ti tno rtiagnlisatsotne ed?elibng +4
beanie368  IG bendlgie udwlo nstrepe wiht esnridcea RSV as a eeospnsr to iyoalohpvme +10
mysteriousmantyping  hyW oudwl hsti ont eb pnuoraylm meisb?mol +1
step1passfail  nyrmulPao ebmsomil duowl ascue a deercsea ni ciacrad ut.upto eerTh is deaicrnes srpursee ni eth hhgi natomilpc RV hhciw nac bluge nad rspescmo het VL, decasrgeni sti leap.rdo =eartHOC rtea x retkso lmuove nad rosekt vumelo is ayarptlli dndeietrem by a.delpor If het ranpyuoml blmemios is lreag hug,oen it anc laos tcburots teh moupnalry esevsls adn eueynqusbslt nto heav eohugn bodlo gnoig to the LA nda VL, emaltylitu agnmik teh iadracc utpout enar 0. +3
chj7  uOt fo all the nfeerfdit speyt of hskoc, radacic tuotpu is cairdsene nlyo in divrubtitsie chkos .(ei naaiahltpc,cy tescp)i. +1

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submitted by bfinard1(3)
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Can eesomon ipealxn hyw adcrica tptuou is hgih ni eitpcs kho?cs

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drdoom  atcariBe adn etarablci teocompnns ki(el PS)L ni tornclcuiai rrgegit iaevmss elesare fo eykticnos 1iue-Itenl(rn,k t-nrIil6eekun dna Na),TF rineusgtl visaona.tlido rHtae aret aerceissn ot nainamti cdetne BP. +1
bfinard1  Is sekotr evumol ont adeefctf yb ttha smaevsi t?dloavsanioi I owlud kihnt if vunsoe esstmy is dsiolveaatd hnte y'odu vhea drcueed EVD mfor urdecde ldboo lofw to herta +
zedora  hBot of ouy rae rectr.oc nI cestip choks ehrte si a msivsae tos.lniadaovi In drero to osteamenpc rof het urcedde odlob ,uprsrees hrtee is an dseeacnri traeh rate. Nwo, ieegpkn ihts ni d,inm what is eht OC fr?umloa OC = HR x SV iRhg?t stLe say rduen lnroam otocdinins HR is 06 &;pma ektorS levumo si .05 uoYr cdicara utuotp = 60 x 50 = 0.030 owN ni sipcte ,skoch yuro rhtea trae is alvsymsi dneaiscre ubt uory otrkse lvmueo is edeaecrds mnmyal.lii oS tels plgu in het rsubm.en estL yas, dnreu itpcse ohk,cs HR = 051 &pa;m erskto vlmoue si now 03. The ircacad tuptuo si won ngano be = 105 x 03 = 45,00 chnee ryou CO is sineeca.dr nI ptiSce ,hcSko the eatrh trea is vsysealmi aesnedicr pamroedc ot eht outnma fo SV sr.acedede +
drdoom  rfinb1d@a By itaoonisl,dva I tsmloa yvcxlseleui name irtearal i.vsooiandlat eWnh ti esocm to CV, I swyaal rwok abcwrakd rmfo “tfris re,iisnpl”pc nad ni ym ewiv eht itrfs lcirepipn fo teh CV mestsy ,si inaM“tani eprrsusse to nmiainta good ow”.fl llA etroh dtoomamaocicsn fo eth CV seytms neacgh(s ni iosn[eyn,]rpgottthr ]coytrn,hote[miorp tonsorcaoistvicn nda odsaolai)nvti rae in eri*e*cvs ot ainiannitgm lfwos. uiWtoth good ,wsfol yuo teg eht gtnhi uamnh ssistue eilk the ase:lt otn ackl of yoxegn ubt acacnlomuitu of CO2 and( het iciyadt taht gose wtih )i.t +
drdoom  So, lal hatt wsa a n-eoignwdld yaw of ngiays ttha ardaCic puttuO wlil eirnam hghi nweh the odyb is ripdcguon dnhgr-eatehh-iidesr svllee of 2CO (hnwe srgnao nad het uenmim ystmes hvae geon iton irdvreveo ot onsedpr ot a httaer ro ot srsaded odstnencpemoai in soem rheto rapt of eht m)ste;sy hte tulpgimnem of adcCari putOut rdhslea the ningbengi fo hte de.n tI nieisfgis ahtt eth rstseess neibg odisepm no the bdyo eecxed het abteipasilic of teh yet.sms +

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submitted by calvin_and_hobbes(2)
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hWy is hte T ormlan in sthi petai?nt I wdlou hvea ptdceeird gulidrenyn cifninoet — ei, rfeev — roebfe nvee a"r"eyl tepcis o.kcsh I edeecstl pectsi coshk elyurp orf eth clbnaarttie wol SVR eedipst iufsdl tbu natw to trunsdndea rmoe aobut the enacseb fo e.rv.f.e T!sahkn

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drdoom  reEdlly dan( ,ooemmmcspniduimro )yrgeaenll od nto umnot orstbu fever onspsseer to aiatbcer dna toehr rosimmgoncia;rs in eledylr, isth lopabbyr sha to od whit d”senc“eil fo the iaennt ienmmu metsys o(ryu osa,cgamrphe iirddncet lscl,e one,ystomc .;,acmp& usjt 'tond nncoiutf as well sa teyh dues t)o. In etorh ,sowdr fi ouy 1() piwde out o'esmosen munmei msyset nad then ()2 jtdicene riactbae inot hiert loma,srotbde yuo tluowd'n rbveeos yan vrefe ire.hte heT ereecpns of a a”ptl“iyc alom()nr fveer ni na reyedll or orciuepmdmomimsno pitntea anc eb a esupr cnrnoceing gnis: they mhitg heav a nrigag efonnciit no hte .dienis +
drdoom  m^rof hte :crietal e“btnsA ro eubltdn evref eronssep ni eth el.lyerd eerTh si elamp edeenciv htta a bdtnule frvee psneeros to a soueisr abtli,crae virla, ro lungaf etiionncf stsegusg a orpore oprngsosi naht esod a uotsbr erevf sepnoser ]13.[ In aid,oidnt rhtee si a ltbusasanti doyb of t,daa tsmlyo mofr nlmiaa esmld,o that fortheughrv—e sti tescffe no uinemm —imoyfnuacnt be an pamnortit tsoh edenfse mienhcmsa 4.1[] Rughloy %3020–% fo edelyrl npsorse tiwh soiusre ctaalbier ro airlv censftoiin lliw rnsetpe whit a dnlebtu or eyelnitr ebtasn reefv epessorn 1.,][5,”32 +

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by spaceboy98(22)
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ehT yaw i ookl ta shit is eht reaptm.eeurt

A ycpmhrhteio etnitpa wlli smtloa syawal setpnre hiwt cepsti sckoh uacebes tsipce hcoks anc eetnrsp sa tbho threaiempyhr or pyamrhhitoe

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athenathefirst  sot'Dne odsnu aetr.cuac Tshi taitnpe had a oramnl rteepur.mtea +

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