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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
An 83-year-old man is brought to the ...
Early septic shock 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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etSpic cskho si a epyt fo usitveibtdir hckos hihwc is eamdkr by evssiam oiantsaovdli d(t/ tfyarlimamon )epesrsno aiscgnu rdcsaeede SRV, eeedsadcr arloepd / PPW,C and eradiscen OC.

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smc213  pecSti khsco nac soal eensprt thiw etyhomrpiha &3;lCt6 +3
bethune  yhW is ti ont gtlstseationrina ignd?eelb +4
beanie368  IG dligeenb lowdu enepsrt ithw ecadeinrs SVR as a eessrnpo to iaoyehmpovl +10
mysteriousmantyping  Wyh wdlou tihs not be nlopyrmau bslmoi?me +1
step1passfail  oulnPryma lmmsoibe uowdl scuae a secdaeer ni idaacrc ptuu.ot erTeh is rsndceeia uressepr ni hte ihgh cionaltpm RV hwcih can gbeul nda pcmessor eht V,L eridsecang ist aod.lrpe tHaeCOr= reat x otkres eovmul adn koesrt voelum si ltlyaprai redenedtmi yb dpole.ra fI het ralnupmoy mbeoilms si aelgr gohn,ue ti nca aols tsuctbor the myauprlon ssevlse nda equbsltyeusn ton eahv ohnegu dlboo ggino to teh AL dan LV, atmtiyellu akmgni het cadirac ouuptt nare .0 +3
chj7  tuO fo lal teh enerftdfi tsyep of cohs,k acidrca ttuuop si anirdcees lyon in ietvrdisubit ohkcs (.ei lapnah,yacitc ste).icp +1

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submitted by bfinard1(3)
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Can smeneoo anlpxie hyw cacaird utuopt si ghih ni stcpie oc?skh

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drdoom  traaceiB dna btlcaeira psmoonenct (ikle LP)S ni nrlctiiouca irtgerg vaessim eelsrea fo kisynoetc Iiu-enenkt1rl,( -elrnt6Iinuke and ,a)FNT ulrigtsne ateHr aert resaensci to iatannmi entced BP. +1
bfinard1  Is tesrok uomelv otn ecefdaft yb taht eimasvs adivlotnaiso? I loudw hktin if vneuso ymtsse is avsoieldatd ehnt o'duy vahe cddereu EDV from ceueddr doblo wflo to hreta +
zedora  oBth fo oyu ear rcrct.eo In itecsp oksch hreet is a msavsei asldivnao.toi nI rodre to sepcmaoetn orf eht eeducrd dolbo rsu,erspe hetre si na csnrieaed rheat atre. ,Nwo ipeegnk itsh in id,mn ahwt is het OC ?afrlumo CO = RH x VS g?ithR Ltse ays dnrue romlan stoinoidnc RH si 60 m;a&p oeStrk oemulv si 0.5 Yrou icadcra utptuo = 60 x 05 = 030.0 wNo in ptceis cho,ks oury arhte trea is yvssimal seincerad tbu uyor treoks lvumeo is rddeaesec l.mnimlaiy oS slet uplg in the s.bmrune eLts ays, eunrd ictpes ck,hos RH = 015 ;apm& stkoer vlmuoe si now .03 heT crdcaia ututop si own oanng be = 150 x 30 = 4050, hceen uory CO si eecr.isand nI iteScp c,Sohk het thrae aret si vslyasime rnciesdae crdoempa to eht uantom of VS a.deesrdec +
drdoom  @dar1fbni yB tnio,daovilas I mltaos selcyvlxuei nmae lataerri niad.oaliotvs nehW it mecso ot C,V I lasyaw rwok wbaacdrk orfm fsirt“ e,prnspli”ci nda ni ym wvei hte fisrt pniilcrpe fo eht VC sysmet i,s naiaMn“it esepsrrsu ot naniaitm oodg ”fl.ow lAl ehrot ioaoansmtccomd of eth CV emssty a(nhgces ni o]rtenngsrtpy[,ohit i,nrtcryomtoe][oph vcaosooitcirnnst nda sait)oidavnlo aer in ecri*ve*s to gitinminaan w.lfso iWuhtto oogd osf,wl uoy tge eth intgh hamun isestsu ekli eht ltea:s not cakl of ynoxeg ubt iuomcaulatnc fo O2C dn(a teh atidyic htat egso tihw ti). +
drdoom  ,So lal ttah swa a gedlin-onwd ywa of aniysg ttah acriCad tpuOtu ilwl imanre hghi nhew teh body si oundrgpic -ishihegadhneerdr-t evesll of C2O wh(en sganro and eth miemnu temsys ehva egno toin rrdevovie ot peonrds ot a httear or to esdadsr tasedcponnoiem in seom heotr artp fo hte y;ssmt)e hte negmumpilt fo idracCa Outtup alsherd eht ngnigebin of hte end. tI einfgsiis taht eth esrsests gnieb disomep on hte bdyo cexdee teh pctasilbaeii fo teh .mssyet +

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by calvin_and_hobbes(2)
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hyW is teh T romlna ni tsih pntitea? I lduow veha tiprecedd riunyedlng ocnniifte — ,ie fveer — roebef enev "ey"ral eistcp o.cskh I tledesce picste sohkc lpuyer rof the antceatblri olw SRV sdipete idfuls tub nwat ot ndnrtusade eorm tauob eht esnaecb fo fe.erv.. nhsk!aT

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drdoom  lrldEye n(da rii,oosmpdemnmuocm rlnleega)y do nto tuonm rtosub erefv sossepren ot braetiac adn hreot ainrcsm;oigmosr ni erelly,d isth bpyoblar ash ot od htiw eli”dc“sen fo eht netina mneumi stysem your( eahc,sorpagm drtidcnie cle,ls oote,scmyn &.c,a;pm ustj otnd' nnfctiou sa wlel as tyhe desu ).to nI rthoe rdw,os fi you )(1 ediwp out 'sonseeom muiemn teyssm nda neht )2( ndtjicee ritbaace nito terih borotel,sdma oyu ltdou'wn bserveo nya veerf ei.etrh hTe eecsrepn of a ”ciyp“atl )an(roml vrefe in na lrdylee or sopmcimmroedonimu inatept cna eb a sprue gnconneric n:isg htye imhtg ehav a garing iconfntie no eth idesn.i +
drdoom  rmf^o het :leitcar seAtb“n ro tulbdne evref enrsosep in teh ylr.dlee erThe si plmae ednveeic atth a dutbnel evefr eorsnspe to a ieosrsu rtcel,aabi vi,ral or flgnau ntcinfoei esstsgug a reproo posnrsgio tnah esdo a bsotur ervef oerensps .13][ nI d,nidioat ehert is a ntutbalisas bdoy of ,data mtlyso fmro imalan elos,dm hatt hgoterfhu—ver its eecftsf on munemi ciaynonu—fmt be an niaotpmrt host nfesdee eimhnasmc 14[]. uRhyolg %–203%0 of elrdyel ssrpneo hiwt eisrosu lticbarea ro rlvia nionitfsec llwi rnsteep hwit a lbedunt or tliyeern nesbta evfer esnrpeos ”31,[,.]25 +

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by spaceboy98(22)
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eTh wya i lkoo at tish is the

A mtiyorhpech ipteatn liwl tsomla lasyaw respten itwh epicts hksoc bseeuac tpcsei skohc anc epnrtse sa ohtb raterihpmhey ro piaroyhehtm

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athenathefirst  eso'nDt ounsd .uarcetac sThi pientat ahd a rlmnoa meru.treatpe +

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