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NBME 25 Answers

nbme25/Block 1/Question#18 (reveal difficulty score)
A 35-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Mitochondrial crystalline 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by yogurt-dimple(3)
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mA I cray,z or osed hte seuqoitn emts iylmp htta shti swa idtreneih anaylrptel?

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raspberry-muffin  nI shti oeintqsu sundos leik trindhiee penltaarly , tub siht mulcse sbyopi edircofmn ihdonirMoatlc nient.eicahr lusceM iosb:yp oimiIutstcohsehnmyrm cylaylpti swosh radgeg erd ,isfrbe hhicw ear causde by elbmlasu-aorsmc nda rmoeyliirnlf-rtiab lcacmunoutia fo eetcdeifv itcnmrdoihoa ni meculss oi(aodmcitnhr stnia re).d ryaobPbl orMhte ash het smea otncdoiin .oto +
yogurt-dimple  .Ghcota eh,Ya eht dre ggrdae sfbrei detpip em off ot oohniitrmcdla py,mohtya tbu bcuesea het smet ildeimp ltapaern naeinthi,erc I dgeifur terhe was utjs arnheto eiadess I dha noeofgtrt oabut hatt sntepres hiwt tmeh. +
drdoom  imnrupfbsrfea-@ry m'I not noived.ncc tI is yhlgih kllyeuin teh BEMN luodw etirw this stuonieq adn expect ouy ot muse""sa mmo ash dninoicot ihtutow gnmaki nay nnoimte of mo.m ls,Pu ti si slyimp ihglyh arblibomep ttha opaymthy is pretesn ni hbot mmo nda dad legai.en tTha eesms fof ot e.m +
drdoom  emdrloi,@pt-uyg I nhkti tshi a eyk neli ni teh ixenaptl:aon e,voreH“w there aer aotddlaiin nsotamuit taht aceftf iacindtolmorh RNA aalotnt,insr cfigfnrtika dna roorcntpanoii fo eytpoirrsra tpniore comlx,pese and natenmeican fo hte nrine cmroonihdtlai mnrbeame ahtt anc lsoa dela ot dtlnhmcroiiao a.htopmyy” +
drdoom  Yes, etyh ays, thciorMolni"ad esesidsa era stcytilr rehdiietn tghorhu eht rhtm"oe but tshi is ont a aomnhdiilrtoc ssiaede — htis si a iiodhdrr-vceiodano–"nmletn" olcmiohianrtd tpmoh;ayy ,eys hndrimctooai era faectfde tub eht tomtaiun si in stcmaio n)aulr(ce geesn htta onervg hte meaantinnec fo tha"lhey daomrhi"i.cnot iThs is ubcseae the atnumito tescffa eht iat/notfoonnieuprc fo imoorhitncda utb teh nmtiouat fliste si in hte aruencl DNA i(chwh trlnoco egntoimhs aotbu het qyuiatl"" of iahndtcmooir ubt awht cyeatxl si tno yet o.wknn) +

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submitted by drdoom(1206)
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Tish oestiunq tmgih eb ctikyr cbuasee hte tamoitnu of neisetrt eehr si iidhetrne omfr eht dda dise arenatp)l( ubt stefcaf eht toidmni.hraoc

hTta s,i the omtnuiat si ont a nmtuiato fo eth ihomlnratcdoi ;AND ti si fo ncaerlu ADN which facsetf inooltrmaichd ctninuof dan yuiat.lq sahinM(cem k)nnw.onu

nI hreti paxa,ntiolen eht BMNE s,ays “Mdilrcionotha seasesid rea cslityrt itreedhni uhhorgt hte hrtom”e but htta si irotr;ncce it oldwu eb eorm crecotr for ehtm ot ehva as:id Mdrlohniaitco AND mtuasinto era sitltcyr dheiitrne hugtorh eth oehrm.t

aTth s,i uoy acn vaeh dnloarioichmt bsrolpem that mceo from yuro dda. idnhotlciraMo NDA moasutni,t on teh oerht dhan, come noly ofmr om.m

S,o the mest scdseireb a “naolrcidtmhio saieeds” utb ti is tno a adorlincthiom desiase vreddei mfor a rtohlomdniaic NDA

sYe, mchoairnidot rea fetdfcea tub hte tiutonma is ni unarlce DAN ahtt gonrsve het caenatnemni fo ahyt"elh onmtr.diicoah"

shiT pialsexn why dad nda 'sdad heotrbr whso hte sema “rompalix escmlu eksewnas fo eth rlwoe er”eimt.iestx

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drdoom  grniCiflya e:rfutrh eTh esedsia fo snetteir si trteeb cddesirbe sa a inridoaonl-ohcmnt" v–NAireedD"d otimihnadlorc aph.otymy 'tIs a mtuou,hfl I ,Yes rmoicaidtohn rae daftcfee btu het tuniaomt is in atoimsc cae)lnu(r neegs that gveorn hte einepa/onuofctatiinncaonmn/rte of "hhealyt iira"cnm.ohtdo iTsh is why ti is engbi rdiehinet rouhhgt eht add nda tey efmsnsiat in ndoritliohmac csft.uondniy +

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