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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 1/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A 16-year-old student has uncontrollable ...
Direct transition from wakefulness to REM sleep 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: sleep

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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In rslycnep,oa eethr is a idecrt staoiinrnt omrf eaeslusknfw ot MRE .lspee sBlyailac netdisa fo oggin rhthgou eht yalre tsasge adn gllradayu iagflnl toin a epde ele,ps uyo sjut lsudndey og form gbnie kaawe ot engib in a epde s.epel

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kamilia20  002FA2 ee97lpP4(S g)pyh:oylsio gCensha ni nc:lsrepayo eaecsedr ERM +3
baja_blast  p. 485 orf us eplbs isltl gnsui AF 1902 +
randi  A12F09 .p 655 t"oruancnl nda oteclpcniar lepes ideeosps tath rttsa htiw REM lespe pels(e iaysr"als)p +

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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hisT si na tieirgtesnn n.eo I ekli to eerrmbme ti sith w:ay in eopple tihw acynreslop, lla het igth“r nkdsi” of eelps aer hnienapgp at lal eth w“nrog mt”eis of d.ay iDugnr eth d,ya when a weopr apn oduwl plyyctila twohr uyo ltammdieiye niot ERM, stih kid si nylo enntrgei gaetS 1 or 2 t(lstigeh sepel = htssgilet eoisns jra imh bkac to ).rtelayi At htgi,n wenh eh uolhsd cleayulefp drfti into tSeag 1, ,2 nda os n,o eh idstena yloecmletp ozksn ssClica .eclorpsayn

moFr aUtDopeT: oNscprela“y nac eb eniepcctaulozd sa a ddorsrei fo ewa-leepsk oronctl in cwihh mleetnes fo eselp iutnder into ukeselnfasw adn mseenelt fo ksweslanfeu eundrit toni ees.l”p

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chextra  tns'I MRE a trerah lhgit psele etg?as ainBr vaews nudrgi MER rea rvey alsirmi ot aekaw .taests I thnik ouy veen ewka up rbielfy ni eht miedld of MRE epse.lI tndo' hintk FA gave em a aergt agnresnntiudd fo asn,peyorcl tbu I see it as gogni rfom waake to RME (ihtl)g rof yan dnik fo lees,p edytmai ro tgihn +
sammyj98  'Im filtiedeyn nto cea no shit cbt,suej ubt I knthi the rbain aewvs esrntep ni MRE are rsaliim ot ewuknsflsae cebeusa of hte ramdgein .pmntnoeco I ihktn of it sa gotuhh eht nrbia ahs to og thgruho a srposce fo yniizthgnpo eth bdyo toni a setta fo nrlea,xiato and neth rolperpy anplyarigz it, and ehnt ti anc umltsiea sekefnlausw g(minae)dr to go hrought hwit t'is raengdfggi of teh rdah erid.v So REM is ltlucyaa teh ptedese pelse sbeeuca eht bydo si luyfl apda.zrlye lPeesa osmeeon octrcre me, isht si rbbapoyl na auneritcar tpcie.vrepes +4
pg32  FA asys hatt prcsyaenol has aountcnrl AND CLPARNTCIEO lepse opesedsi thta atstr wthi MRE l..see.p oS is dd@moro eocrtc?r AF sesem to arieegsd ideagngrr eht aimdyet eselp ta.eptnr +8

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by charcot_bouchard(574)
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yspaecNolr hsa eon of eth woglionlf 3 ctrrehacra - .1 y.2xC elpaat ced enxori in 3cs .f EMR tyncael l5;1t& inm

sti ass hwit (tno xd moaiiynpoie pcrai/Hp(nrcggt tlaicnhlaoni. eelpS ssprialya

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charcot_bouchard  oh dx erarctii mtsu lsoa einclud ecxsveeis iamyetd sipeslseen ofr 3 ietm pre ewke rveo 3 tonmh +

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