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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
A 17-year-old girl comes to the emergency ...
Speak with the patient and her parents about the findings ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: ethics

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submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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isniphy"sac huslod awalys uoaerngec tlheahy a-uarndiomirgn .aioonnuct"mmic

Aols eouyr' gngoi to od omes seouris gihsnt ot ucer tish 'srlgi e,isaesd nldiage pu ot amtptnu.ioa You catn edih ahtt omrf .reh

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djjix  nNo esnes ... you nca idhe eth imnpouatat mfor erh +22
charcot_bouchard  tJus oshw ehr noe egl c.iwet +8
pg32  I kpedic s"eerqtu htat an ..oc.inlo"gtos eebausc I feirgud ti uwdol be tbeter ot hvae noeemos whti mreo olkenegdw of ntex ptess adn oropisgns scidssu teh seeadsi wiht eth alimyf sa pmaderco to eenmoos iwrognk ni het ..D.E yhw is ttah rwgno? +7
ibestalkinyo  g:p2@3 nrefiegRr ot roeanht iiyshcanp is saltom erenv na aenwsr rof EB/ELMUMNS s.tnqosuie ul,Ps I lefe klei tish uolwd be nihdig eth eniaps'tt rpeblmo ofmr erh nda eth ia'ettnsp trn.epsa +8
dunkdum  I tnikh hte eornsa htta you ueergqnist eht ntogsocilo snit teh msto rectroc aewrns ereh is enve fi meor stste eedned to be ..dn.eo yuo dulwo ltsil uicssds whti oyur tptnaie baout taht ftca dna sya Hye" ethes ltrsuse cmae cabk gisnusggte taht oyu migth vaeh hsti sas,eedi ew liwl eend ot od omre ittgnse ot kaem resu ew nca etg it tnkae cera of if you in ftca hvae shti .sdise"ae nad 'oyud yaoprblb do ahtt erfobe oyu og adn gte eht toliocsog.n +6
peteandplop  2@gp3 I wsa idkn of ithw ,you tub I twen ithw hte otcrecr wsearn useeabc it yass STONLYGR gi.ssegvteu fI eyrou' iingvg me a opuflrew wdro to lrleay zehmpseai itsh is ,aaotsmrcoose 'ehetrs no ened ot dlyae isnagsp atht tafonmrnioi ot ,aepittn dan ni thsi asec fo a rni,mo ehr n.ersatp +5

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submitted by โˆ—epiglotitties(29)
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ishT t'sin hte coreansi ni tihs sntqoue,i tbu I swa rngdnoewi athw dolwu henppa if ouy had otdl the seranpt teh igoisasnd nda yhte ind'td wnta teihr idchl to ?kown

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submitted by โˆ—stepwarrior(29)
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oYu dhlous dnfi tuo ehtewrh ro ont seh ntsaw rhe nstaerp to onkw rtisf

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misterdoctor69  'Sehs a rimon gthh.uo +2

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