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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#30 (reveal difficulty score)
A 21-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
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submitted by youssefa(162)
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oS gtucitn uthhrog teh etstienni lwil dmegaa the rycpts of ehikrünebL wchih iaoncnt estm csell ttah arepcle /tnleetroetsbyeogc sllce .a()idF Tsih kacl of eetaveniregr ybiatil lliw ahev aeslttepl nda raintoayfmml scell to be rueretidc in dreor to adeimte legaihn hc(hiw edn esrutl is )iobsfirs ehT lintneisat awll ikncgal ytpcsr fo ineüebrLhk sact tetrpy humc elki eltasb leslc g(e:. aoideso)mrtyycc hichw notnac eb reeedetanrg dan os rioifssb esusne ( rcSa si saywal nde dtpourc frtae IM).

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youssefa  :cnrtioroeC I entam anrntePme lslce tdienas of etaSlb .lselc eTh tasehecotpy ni isht esac lilw act as a stbale sllec cwhhi lilw itxe G0 asphe dna eoptfrealir in psseorne ot nryju.i +2
madamestep  o,sAl hte nasoer why oyu get hte ocertristna and fat epeicgnr ni nsr!ohC s'It mnoilfnmtaai all hte ywa hthogru. CU 'oedsnt og lal eth way rhth.oug +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by et-tu-bromocriptine(140)
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yAneno nkwo owh ot erlu uot lslma snnietite no siht oen? I htuhotg eht momunte dleypa a leor ni gehalin in het odneabm, tub lreclay I'm sgmiisn itgomnseh eher.

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what  llmaS ntiienets sha mhtoso scelmu in het sallw wichh liwl ioefbrs on ynriju +
youssefa  oS ciutntg uhrhotg teh itentensi illw gamdea eht cyrtsp of kebheünLir whchi nniotac tsem lcles taht caprlee eotbentteegoyc/lsr lslec F()di.a sihT lcak fo nireaeegertv bitalyi llwi hvea steelltap and fmyiamonltra slecl ot be eerutcdri in rrdoe ot deaitme eglhnia hhiw(c dne uslret si siio)frsb The anettnilsi wall akiglnc tyscrp of übLeerkinh satc petryt cmhu liek tlbesa cesll .:e(g ecyioo)ysartdmc wihhc tcnnao eb reregeadetn dan so irofissb euenss g(.:e arSc is wsayal ned rducpot ftare M)I +3
thotcandy  heT awy i hthotgu of ti wsa: sllma tnenteisi ETNIPFRROAO riraep t-;&g the mbteesna nbrmaeem dna mtse elscl rwee tlefyeinid pesirddtu suth ltiiingm irnagonertee ali Lvbryieti = uepnturc nowu,d ont cenasrlesyi lla the awy orthuhg = mntaebes mrsneambe nad stem ellsc rae ypablrob iltls cntita ;-tg& grneeeeatr utiwhot soirifbs +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by veryhungrycaterpillar(30)
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eirvL aelhs thiwuot acnrgris ni seorepsn to msot eatuc .ujesrnii Oyln ncorihc iverl seirnuij lwil edla to isorbisf c(ihhw tneh easdl ot hrrc.iosis)

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by brawamigonnagetthismd(1)
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atWi, sedoiap isutes ascs??r thaW teh kche is ti?sh aeybm s'it thta of'ib'r eWa.ttchap.r.d lla atth tcodBhe rfo nhot'ni

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 -4  upvote downvote
submitted by bigbootycorgi(5)
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oS I otg thsi one rnogw busceae I ohthgtu ttha inesc he ti'ndd ahev eoapymlaehgoltnsep dan assceit shi evilr swa lislt fni,e but I segsu if he ealyrda sha gs,eaymocitan noiohdapmgys dna eth evre vubsioo siepdr taagnimao sh'e feilntidey lsilt ko

oNw ttha I knith of ti, uoy tn'do eden neelpleoghytaomspa ot vaeh ihclcloao vreli arfieul I ebe.leiv

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bigbootycorgi  orsry my abd sith asw teh worgn iuseqont i nosepderd to tbu i tlils got isth eno DE( o)ne adn the ncatiomegasy one rowgn i hnkit tis' leivr for this oen cueseab yhte asy it sha erneeevagitr toletanip nda seauebc nvee uhhgto eth smlla nenietist ahs irengtrveeea eapotiln,t ti nca lpnaarptye i?rfboes i hvae on ,eadi i put llsam lweob +
kateinwonderland  tbycgobroi@iog : I tup malls enetsinti .too ormF awht v'eI adhcrese tear,f ti sysa taht levri fsisbrio resiveberl ;&t-g on nedieecv of uirofsb ircagnsr +
goodkarmaonly  utsJ ot dda to th,ta a circohirt ilrev is a slalm erkhnnus vlire so oyu otnw eb ebal to nfdi ealeymohgtpa nywa.ysa The ohrte snigs aer teh igmttaas of riveL seaeisd +

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