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NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 1/Question#32 (reveal difficulty score)
A 20-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
von Willebrand disease ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—imnotarobotbut(184)
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Tshi is a bad senitu.oq ellPttae igggaaroent ietm egnib aronml, ko nfie I can ees t.tha tuB FVW libsaseitz coftra 8 dan yo'du ese an nrceesia ni TPT sr(fit lnie txne ot WFV ni Fsirt .)dAi yWh si ithre TTP omnl?ra

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a1_antitrypsin  lylTato ,erega nda eyth vige oyu a ltishg insecrea in TP asndiet +1
mambaforstep  yhae btu if thye veag you an erseacni ni TTP hetn Hempaolihi A ludco vhae enbe a ivdal ewsanr o.icech so ythe pobr owsehd a ln TTP to dtirnfefaetie FvW dz mrof ihhpaemol A +1
drpee  VDW ynlo oimteemss ssnteerp whit a ihlltgsy eercdasin PTT. 'nDto tel ehtos knia aftcs reest uyo .on..gwr Puls all hte ohret wsaners amek no ess.en gniifaneomrb?eiA haTt enams rlliytael no oiigfnbinr (PT adn PTT lwuod eb feitniinly .naisdcr)ee aiph?leemHo Or mvtiani K den?ifyicec hoTse era caoagntouil orcaft ersisoddr os htye uwold steernp iwht peed eideblgn nda egalr ni.sgburi nUek(li eeaplltt edrsds,roi ninuglicd V,DW chiwh etnrspe with macsuol l,gdeienb tceep,ieah and ahvey .)nmsese VDW si ycltaula eht YOLN one htta asmek .neess +11
cbreland  I tge yhw t'si otn nfigmaeirnaioeb hh(wic is thaw I ipe,ck)d tub tllis ont'd tdannrsdeu owh VWD is ti.rhg uoY aevh narolm TPT adn mrnlao ettlplae inetgrgagoa (both of hwihc uohdsl eb rl.n)ombaa sI teh noyl nitgh ndlgiae su to DVW is ti nibeg a yaprimr ielbengd s?usei gnai,A ym arenws adme on sn,see but VWD in itsh t,cnetox esesm awy tuo ethre +4
osteopathnproud  I eegra tiwh uyo drbacl@en enco I etdonic I had to dneb lab aulvse for nya ewsrna ccieoh hnte in my dahe msto fo htme eewr ilss.peob I otko a etsp abck dna anrwes hwit the mtos cmomno lndgebei erdodri,s Wv s.deesia nFynu tnhig si ewnh I koreot ti ot ecchk ym easnw,sr I dha itme to ovkihrent nad ogt ti o.gnwr +2
aakb  het anik stacf nerev trsee yuo !gnorw my izakn dsarc ays oL"w FWv in von Wllenrbdia sadeies risipam telptlae }"a1:cioe}s{:hdn{ 1G(pB sinbd to )vWF tno ptetalle erngiogaagt apGIIbI(II dbsni to .noengrbi)fi idaoldiytnal ti assy you nac ahve htreei a rolnma ro reacensi TTP. ni shti seca the TP si not .ieacdsren It is eecreasdd a eltil,t cwhhi I muesas is efni pes w an RNI fo 10. +2
lebabs  uSth up +7
justanotherimg  i rgeea twih ped@re , dan we aols deen to peke in dnim ttha iihpk-od(ainllehmxe eersce)vsi ntwo eb ekylil ni sthi nattiep a 02 yr dol nwoma +1

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bwdc(697)
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vno dainellrWb dassiee is by arf eht otms oocmmn etnihdrei ligbdene ed.hsitasi ,eqrytenFul eth lnyo aryaoroltb aibanylmtro is rsenedcia eiblengd emti llrielyt(a you cprik het ipatnet adn see how ongl ti sktae emth ot ospt il)dge.nbe On p,eSt geledbin nmowe evha VW.D Bnediegl oybs ahev olahihmp.ei

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winelover777  .eeArg TPT sedo otn eavh ot eb vaetedel to eb V.DW +6
tulsigabbard  p.leW +1
tekkenman101  xtcpeE tre'hes no yartaorblo fieevidr nledgbie tmie negi,v oynl nrieoggatag ihhcw hsa to od thiw ptaellaleplett-te cntetrai.oin +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by canyon_run(4)
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why is het elattepl riotaneggag etst si ronaml in WV?D ym orbmple is thta p1bG dan orcWVaft aevh to rictntea to denuci a onmlfiatonriac nghcea ni aeteslplt to eresela DPA gโ€“;t& DAP sindb ot eptaecod-rpr and edcisnu bG32p/a ihhcw lnsaebe ogaginagetr iva enbiig.fron hwhic ludwo dlea ot raamlbon eaia?ogntggr nda si hte ieoscntitr aasys ont a teeltalp agntigregoa te?ts or nca ti seoiemmst eb norlma nad emitssome not?

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bwdc  tI cna eb naaoblmr as lel,w dpesedn no teh utpsyeb nda yeetvrsi teh( iiakwepid apge odse a eedtcn boj peanl)gni.xi heT tsmo comonm ebsytup of VDW si a viaettaqtuni dte,cfe hchiw is oftne daynriel/lm lcaliynlic ccotul adn anc have tsyenllesia omrlna albtoarroy shTi si oen fo heots sustieqno erehw het bsla aer rlalye teerh to dcexleu the ohtre ish.ceoc +7
chaosawaits  heT aleptlet tenorggaagi stet dan hte nolmar TPT esteedr em waay sa lw,el utb nwhe uyo ntkhi aobtu ti, WDV is a tmre htat esinlcdu a yiatver fo eiefeicdsinc ttah acn be tiehre qittunaiavte ro .atqaliteuiv lAl eth troeh spooint dlitse 'ACNT be uter bdsae on hte abl eusalv ng.evi So shti uotnesqi sseem ot eb getsnit ryuo yliibta ot nkwo wihch eiadsess rae vierbala twih alb lvaeus nad wchhi nca be elisya lderu otu ebdsa on alb lsu.ave +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—jamespham93(1)
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Pt sswoh ssiaalclc nsigs of klac fo leapttle .ANSDOEHI SINAEDOH si teemaidd by F.Wv taeelltP NRGTAAGEIGO useistd etst fro ,RGITANGOEAG iwchh is mdeditea by norinbge,if huts eyth heva namrlo rstuesl on lba negistt as ehyt ear ont sinttge a ywaptha htat usse WvF yvre( umcilnies ialdte I wn,ok ryve igoy)na.nn

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