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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
A 20-year-old woman with asthma comes to the ...
Ask the roommate not to smoke in the apartment ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +105  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tissue creep(133)
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eTh dpoloe is clyeoalgirphn,e nad a 00/11 oogd oby.

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medguru2295  rFo emos srn,oae I tnca' .teupvo But VE.UETEEPOE gDos aer l!eif +1
mynamejeff  hTe odoelp si plcrhgaleoiye,n dna a /1010 good .oyb +
unknown001  on ,nma mksogni is ifle -P: +

 +17  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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loCd ria sdicneu hastma

asnDeriecg sceoru odla nwot hple

gnikTa erdotssi si oto uhcm fro own

Mnivog bcak ot het dsomr is ont ivleab

iAr scnarlee ndto work eunogh

tDon egt rid fo eht oGdo eBoy

onkSigm oisndro si ssigdgintu

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sherry  erssSt can clatylau be a egrtirg for mta.hsa I tikhn the mpeobrl eehr is hatt ehs sha ywaslsa creidar a veahy cerso,u hwiel hte edasesi utjs rsatedt .yecenlrt +8
medguru2295  stsSre mkesa tamsha r.swoe hof,eTrere eekp oodgg ofr rsstes lr!ifee +1
qiss  Aosl reh psmmtosy tsrdtea 3 hmotns aog and hse eomdv ni iwth a omoeartm owh kossme sroinod 3 otshmn a.go +2
jrish  utB wnt'ould teh moesk no eth somteoarm hltecos sitll eausc iftiscignna sthama omerpl?bs +

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by saturdaynightpalsy(10)
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oS we rae jtus pudpesso to wonk taht sopdeol aer chlee.oynar.p.igl

I tpu tge" an iar r"aeecln cbesuea I thugtho gnkias eht mreotmoa ot ptos nkgimos ulowd be ebnoyd the pceos of eth shyicaipn dna nscei I dntid wkno slpodoe wree rleagien,pcyohl I tuhhogt ,llw"e even if the oremmaot tppdeos skni,gom llse'h lslit evah usssei aesubce fo het pte ne.da"rd


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luciana  aSem hree, I otg sfducnoe cbesaeu it edemse hatt eth mkose NDA the dog eerw the s,itreggr so I cdkpie "ovMe ckab to hte eioirm"ostrd os lal het segritgr ulodw be Wgeh.oon luodw iaienmg sopolde erwe aceepnioghlyrl +
luciana  oFr stheo elik me ohw dd'nit knwo eehtr asw 1 reolianlhegpcy g,do rheet rae 32 ot uoy irozmeem :) stae:hcyhehplr-lceooa/o/gs-gi-tb3/digstbs-ooedsvtdlhoh-eg.mnalap-.e2edt-rdn +2
jamaicabliz  Teh way I hhtotug uaobt it was taht hses' dha eht ldpoeo for ognelr hnat 3 hsm,tno cnsei hse utgrboh it whit erh, and dd'nti seem to avhe bemsrplo erohbeadfn +1

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lilmonkey(63)
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Aaywls shoce ikngosm fi yuo ees it. nI any ytpe fo uitqo.sen oDn't eevn rdea ):

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by dragon3(15)
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I somalt ipcdek nkgsai the etoamrom nto ot msoek in the ae,rntptma ubt ethn I euigdrf t'hast ondeby het ocpes fo hte trod.o.c. retnoha enpors dais gtakni seirdost lwodu eb too muhc rfo nwo, dna I puoseps tha'st bueecsa the shtaam si dowoelt-elrnlcl twih rhe nealirh ?rn th(ast' hawt I dah ekdc)ip

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sherry  I wdluo asy the tiats'enp thsaam onyl tgo orsew ferta her onvimg o.tu So ist emro lnale.lgdtrrea-ee eigtnGt ird fo het geallner is wysaal etbtre ahnt grgiduapn i.otmencdais +2
et-tu-bromocriptine  ippRp teh tno"'d eb a cd"ik ygttesra iiyetnldfe fidlea em on isth .neo oFr emos reoas,n I tghtouh ieusrgtnqe het tiapent to ska eomosen slee to chenag tihre ikgsmno tsbhia lwodu eb a tda oto humc. I anc tsuj tceurpi rlUWod iamnckgs me htwi a otlhuAh"g ti si eikyll htat teh s'aortmome scoensita fo kmgniso olcud lteaiealv eth pantt'ies hatmsa txibe,arsneaco hsti ursteqe oldwu eb out fo het npcsyisi'ah ee.p.o..c.sct" +47
peqmd  ndseeDp o'whs idkcrei hte dtcoor intlleg eth etantip esh sldtou'nh lvie ni smkeo ro eoms ugy mngokis in hte osheu +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—whoissaad(102)
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haWt rteaeunag do ew evha tath het otommare is igong to tspo kgnmsio in the atnrmepat by sn"agik" ihm to do so?..

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krewfoo99  Tereh is no uer.ngeaet yeTh ear sbalyilac inskag tawh a girgtre si orf rhe tsaamh r.cnrrueece gomiSnk in ihst noercasi nca be teh uaces fo ihst peasintt .pmssyomt Dton ldelw ot edpe toni hte su.enqoit +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—therealslimshady(42)
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I ntyhseol tno'd uanendrstd hyw A is teh treccro seanw.r I ekpcdi mveo" abkc ot hte o"rmd ebaescu eerht are rhete shaatm srrgietg ni her o:mdr )(1 het okrmse, ()2 hte caft that hre otemmaor tdo'ens elik ti nhwe it's oot amrw e(hs oesnt'd ntwa ot be co,ld dan locd si a rgigert rfo ,a)thmas dan )3( eth tsessr of people woh n'dot alcen reiht sehid.s Sress,t dc,ol nad ekosm. sTeoh are srgrigte for saahtm htta rea retpnse ni hre nmra.tepat sI ynaoen esle nto engesi ht?is

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123ojm  euBesca umblasrpye 'ehss araydle sengdi a seael adn natocn offdra ot pya a dosnec rten yb gnvmio bcak noit eht .rmods I tkinh ihts geos bakc ot imakgn itgsounsgse for our etiptnsa htta ear besnaeoral rfo emht ot vehc.eai +1
123ojm  olAs erh momrotea si het eno tath smkae it aw,mr os eht epaatrmnt is ont lodc +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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oN hscu hintg sa pyngeaellcrhoi sgo!!d

Teh ojmra dgo ege,lnarl nCa f 1, si rsinboepsel fro asigelrle in tsmo olpepe ohw are cearligl to dg.os aneiprcloHeygl rsedeb of gosd weer pmodoret sauecbe it was tghotuh ehty owdlu oeurdcp rowel tneintsnoarocc fo Can f ,1 adn teroheref sacue less (ro enev n)o clilrgea oytsmsmp in elpeop iwht a dog lyleagr. Emsleapx of gdo ebrdes tath heav oypivrusel nebe dblelae sa pelrcoigehalny nidlceu d,oseoPl odelosLa,rbda dan reYrioskh eesirtrr. eTehr si on nicftsciie froop shete rebsde luytr ceprodu lrewo sontmau fo Cna f ;1 eseht dogs wree lipyms elealbd as rgliapceyhnelo csueabe fo teh asfle ptumsiosan ahtt god eesdrb hatt od nto sdhe hria sumt eaelrse lsse enrel.alg

ciha(Nosl CE, niagWkee GR, svtHdaa S,L rittaZo M,E Onywb D,R ohnnJos CC. gDo greeanll elesvl ni eomsh twih oniplyaeclehgr raepomcd tihw hlplogryonenacnei mA J noRilh yg.Aerll (520).6121:25452โ€“2; 05/:226aj21)00i01.r3.1a.o5d60.

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freemanpeng  riln,sSpyrgui teh tnouma fo Cna f 1 fdnuo in hari nda taoc paemsls wsa lutaycla etsgihh in hte e"haolyinrep"glc bseedr of d,ogs twhi lodPoes gnahiv the gethhsi auonmt fo hte god eg,alenrl dan darLaobr virseetreR vinahg hte slewot tuoam.n orrV( eogde ,WD Wlelisme T, amphaCn ,DM ieeHekdr JD, Kpor .EJ naC f 1 ellsev ni hira nda omshe of edftrnief dog ee:srdb akcL fo cneivede to cdesebri yna god eerbd as ec.rnlapieloghy nlJoaur fo lyAlgre nad ciCailnl oomylnguI.m 0)(1;04.1322 ai5/c.63011jj00.1:0.d1)oi21.02. +

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