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NBME Step 2 CK Form 8 Answers

step2ck_form8/Block 2/Question#38 (reveal difficulty score)
A 3-day-old newborn is brought to the ...
Closure of the ductus arteriosus ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: cardio inc

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submitted by โˆ—step_prep(148)
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  • Tihs si a asslcci nseaptnioetr orf a ptnieta with aointtccrao fo hte r.toaa hnWe ehyt rea istrf nor,b oodlb is aebl ot etg atsp the ircnatatcoo sbceuae lbood wolf rtghuho het usdctu taoesrsuir rnetes het rotaa talids ot het cttooa.icrna henW teh ctsuud usoesrirta scolse ni het sirtf eekw fo ifle, eth flet esdi of eht htare tnhe eess a aemssiv esiarcne in datrf,ealo aniegld to rtaeh filerua


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azibird  sI het peantt emofran evloa eqrrduei rof sthi? tarelnypAp it tsays eopn fro 6 tnmohs ot a re.ya csueBea ietoewhsr I nca't ndseutdnar who eth DPA tldsia ot hte tcnraoiaotc oludw eb p.euflhl So does PFO nhte PAD lhep diretv LA lodob oitn eth iesngncded t?oraa doAgncrci ot T:DU i"uDgnr eht telaoann rod,ipe enwh hte ADP and feoamrn oleva eebwte(n the tgrih and tefl tr)aia ingeb ot eoc,sl het daircac uputto htat smut cossr eht adrnwreo tiroac emesgtn to erach hte lrowe strixmteiee lteyisad ieec"ss.anr +
jj375  bidraiz@ emtisseom eth DPA si xorpimla to het ico!tcaoatnr e1ipcAtRsDsKiogtdntdseote.H:tosh./t/eesat?H_=/bDtosIsA/a./uCn9snrCtaatcahHlaphkjirisa +

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submitted by โˆ—spiroskeet(31)
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Tshi saw a orlypo ddrowe nosqtuie โ€“ eht degunlnyir ciammensh of het dh'csil dtoconiin is rginrwano fo hte o,raat sucinga kbcaup nito hte thera dna purpe fI ythe dwetan to tge ta wyh ti pnedetres faetr 3 ysad sdiaent of eayilmed,tmi eabmy sutj eaymb tehy olvds'hue eadks thta .iadsetn

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notyasupreme  egrAde! iTsh is edowrd so a,ybld dan is so accilss BM!NE I gessu ti uco'ndlt hvea bene hte hteros cuabsee iceraens in pelpheairr rcauaslv inteaesrsc nsit' ahiylnceclt tdunoec as hte a.rato +

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