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Retired NBME 25 Answers

nbme25/Block 1/Question#18 (reveal difficulty score)
A 35-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Mitochondrial crystalline 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by yogurt-dimple(3)
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mA I yacz,r ro eosd hte eintqous etms iyplm htta shti wsa hedtiiren r?tyaellnpa

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raspberry-muffin  In tish ionuteqs dsnuos leki htrinieed ylnlapetra , but ihst mcsule iyospb nciemdfro tiolchdMoinar neerchitia.n uselcM psby:oi mthrimnhsotosmiceIyu atllyiycp whoss gdreag erd ief,brs hiwhc aer eadcsu by amcrsalsu-lobem and ory-nrbfreiltiaiml cianutumocal of iefecdevt niditahocorm ni uselmsc oamnhirdtio(c atsin d)re. obPalbry Mhorte has teh eams oniditcon too. +
yogurt-dimple  cth.Gao Yeh,a the der agerdg erfsib teppid em fof ot donomtliarcih ayhy,otpm btu ebuesca het smte mliepid tpaerlan inc,etaiernh I iefrdgu erhte aws sjtu trohnea seadise I dah fotgoentr buaot atht eesnrtsp whit .meht +
drdoom  ar@fiuyerfpb-rnms 'Im nto cnn.dceiov tI si hylihg yeklilun het MBNE oludw riewt htis qtouesni dan etecxp yuo ot mseu""as mom has ditnoicno without ainkgm any motneni of .mmo ,lPsu it si spmyil iyghlh palibbmreo ttah yamhotyp is trepsne in obth mmo nad add en.gleia aTht semes off ot me. +
drdoom  tg,dpiu@mo-rely I nkhit htis a yke inle ni eht elo:apnxiatn evwe,roH“ teher rae aiotdaidnl ouaittmsn taht cefatf ncorodiilhmat ANR lnnisra,otta kngrtaffici and rronnioiatopc fo prtroreyais erntpoi ec,xomeslp nda aemntncnaie fo eth irenn ncaoihmtldori mmebearn ahtt can oals elad ot hndoiticmrlao o”myht.ypa +
drdoom  seY, hyte y,as acnthidolMro"i ssseidae aer rtyilsct ierndthei ghtohru eht m"tehro tub stih si ont a iltmdiohcoarn aesdsei — siht is a od"nvhridtoimieo-"rean–dlnc horldntmiaoci pytmahoy; ,eys timaioonchrd ear tefdecaf utb eth mntiutoa is in otscami rcu)n(lae neges ttah eovgnr het nmenncetaai fo lyt"aheh dnirth"oo.mcai hsiT si cueseba the tnmouita saffect eth rfiotto/unpoeciann fo dothmciiorna utb teh montatiu ilfest si ni het lucrnae NDA hci(hw oorlcnt smhientgo abuot eht iuqty""al fo hicdmoaiotnr but ahtw cxtylea si ton eyt )onwk.n +

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submitted by drdoom(1206)
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Tihs iesqtonu mgith eb yitcrk seubace eht tuaoimnt of nttiesre here si ihnitdeer omrf eht add dise pan(lera)t utb tscffae teh ad.imithoncor

Thta ,is teh mutainto si ont a mantotui fo hte ronmaltoihdci A;ND ti si of uarcenl AND ihwch ftacfse omctrdalnoihi nuncftoi and qaiuty.l mhn(caeMis unnon.)wk

nI hiret nxiol,eapnat eht BMEN yass, “niMacdrlhotoi sadsiees era tsltycri irndeihet hotguhr het o”rmteh utb htta si ;irocntrec ti wlduo be mero crtceor rfo meht to heav asi:d oMoltidcnhiar AND nitoasutm are lsrtyitc etirinhed ugrothh eth tremo.h

Tath ,is you nac avhe dloacrthnimio lmpsrbeo taht cemo omrf oruy a.dd tlhoaodinMcri DAN itoumst,na no teh toher nh,ad emoc lnyo rmfo

,So hte tesm rdcibsese a “hniomcradoitl siseeda” but it si not a dchilntaoriom isdeaes vieddre omrf a doilnriotahmc NAD

,seY oaodhirtncmi ear eafefdct ubt eht antitmuo si in ueanclr DNA ahtt onrvseg eth tainnmcnaee of lt"hahey odhm"tiocairn.

iTsh pilxnsae why dad dan add's erbohrt sowh the mase “pmxoaril mseucl awsnkees of the rloew timeetiesxr”.

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drdoom  rifganlCiy trfhr:eu The sseadei fo seirtetn is rteebt cederbdis sa a dt-nhnanocirooil"m irNA"eDvedd– diontlmroachi p.ymthaoy tI's a mhuo,tulf I .nkow ,Yse acooiitdmrnh rea cfedetaf btu teh nuitomat is in asitcmo (nc)uelar enges htat vgerno teh taoanrmcuenc/tnetio/nonfiapnie of hylth"ea ao"itnrmhc.dio ihsT si ywh it is igben ithrendie rhtohgu teh dda dan ety aminsestf ni hiandicomrlto ncsyftiu.ond +

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