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Retired NBME 25 Answers

nbme25/Block 1/Question#18 (reveal difficulty score)
A 35-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Mitochondrial crystalline 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by yogurt-dimple(3)
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mA I ,yrazc ro soed hte nitesoqu smte mliyp ttah htsi swa itrinhede rll?paetayn

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raspberry-muffin  nI hits noseutqi sndsou klie riiedneht lryeltapan , tub hits elmsuc pbisyo fcenrmido tnaoirohcdMli h.aitrneenic eulscM osyib:p hrumtymohsctemIosiin alctiplyy oswhs draegg red is,febr hciwh ear adcseu yb -lbosrlaasmemcu dan ftnabieml-rryoriil cutliamaoncu fo vefceitde imtndooraich ni luescsm nracotihdo(mi tnisa re.d) Prlybaob hMreot hsa the asem inotdcino too. +
yogurt-dimple  aocGth. Y,hae teh dre aggedr isefbr dppeit em ffo ot oldmhianoirct pyoya,hmt utb usebace eth mset plimdei lrenptaa aicehe,tnnri I gfdruie hreet asw usjt hoeatrn adieses I had eoftorgtn bouat thta essernpt wthi mthe. +
drdoom  -s@ufrmfeairypbrn m'I nto .inoencdvc tI is ghiylh uilkenyl hte NBME udlow iwret tish utnseqio adn epxetc uyo to as"u"mes mmo sha niodocnti uwotiht aminkg yna mionent fo su,lP ti is ysimpl ilhgyh rabpeibolm tath tymohayp is spreent ni hobt omm dan dda .genaeli aTht smsee ffo to me. +
drdoom  ,grypelidmotu-@ I tnhik isht a yke lnie in eth ieanatxplno: weH“,oerv rhtee are alaodnitid iatsuntmo htat catfef mtrcailonihdo ARN ansittalo,nr ancitrgffki nad rirnncoapooti of aproyrsirte nertipo plmosex,ec dna eiacnatmnen fo eht enrni iohndtlaimorc abeemmrn tath nca losa dale to oaimrndtoclhi ”tym.aoyph +
drdoom  Yse, yhet ay,s natihiocMor"dl aesseids aer icttlsry tindeirhe tuhogrh eth "orhtem utb hist si otn a thrdlaomicoin eidessa — htsi si a -narnoo"nd–iicelmrvohdt"ied otirhaoldnmic tma;yphoy ,esy ciimotdanrho era fcteeafd ubt het unttaoim is in oimtsac luc)nra(e ngsee atht geronv eth nteemncaain of hty"alhe hnatoiir"codm. hiTs is sueabec eth umonatit fctfsea the tpoinunotnecfir/oa of dioithcnroma tub eth uomitnta tsflie is ni eth enluarc DNA hiw(ch ntolcor ogsmitnhe uabot eth "iqltyu"a of roidonaichtm tub hatw tyelxac is ton yet nwkn)o. +

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submitted by drdoom(1206)
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isTh usnteiqo hmgti be icytrk baseuec teh tmtnaiuo fo nreestit eerh is itderenih form eth add sdei ()lpntaera ubt esfcfat eht odanc.mhiitro

thTa s,i teh ntuaomti si tno a toanumti of eht iaomhldrinoct NDA; ti is fo rlcunae DAN hhicw scfaeft ohtnrodicmali fcnuntoi nda iauly.tq nMhsi(meca n.nkw)nou

In treih xlopaanne,it het MNBE s,say “anMooihldritc seeiadss ear istryltc iienhredt roguhht teh e”rhotm utb atht si ccn;rierot ti ouwld eb rome otcrcer fro tmeh ot heva sd:ia odraMtiholcni ADN tiautmson rae ctryilts eenirhdit horhgut eth trmo.he

htTa ,si uoy can vhea cnmoohriatdli mpsorlbe htta ecmo from your .dad dloMhaionitcr DAN iamttuosn, no hte reoth ,danh meco nylo ofmr .omm

So, hte esmt erbscesdi a “lihtacndooirm eassdie” btu ti si otn a ridchootamlni dsiesae veirdde fomr a iathomndrclio AND titoa.nm u

e,Ys iiacohdrtonm era fedctaef btu het tumtnaio si ni ncarelu ADN atht egsnovr the imnenacatne fo l"eayhht"

hisT expnlsai hwy add and sdda' reotrhb hwos het msea raplm“oxi uscmle wseasekn fo hte owler ”eetrm.sxetii

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drdoom  yifgnCirla te:hfrru heT sedaise of seteintr is retebt redscibed as a daoom-tolcnnnhrii" rde–vADNdei" rdholioacitnm hoypymat. Ist' a uuo,lthfm I ow.nk ,eYs tmniiooardch aer detcfafe btu hte matinotu is ni miosact cluarne() sgeen ttha groven het it/aopnaaie/notennoectncnifumr of lahy"teh i"oadtnm.oicrh sTih is hwy ti is gbeni renieithd thohugr the dda dan tey fmasenits ni rotcaniodmhli nt.fsdicuyon +

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