(A) Dense, relatively acellular fibrous tissue with few typical fibroblasts (incorrect)
This is the characteristic description of a scar. Dermal collagen fibers increase as a result of scarring. While the majority of collagen fibers in healthy skin are collagen, type I, a scar is initially created by collagen, type III.
HHV-4 (EBV) - Mononucleosis, endemic Burkitt lymphoma, infects B cells through CD21, atypical lymphocytes on a peripheral blood smear (reactive cytotoxic T cells), positive monospot test happens at CD4+ < 100 mm^3
HHV-5 (CMV) - Mononucleosis w/ negative monospot test, AIDS retinitis: hemorrhage, cotton-wool exudates, vision loss, "owl eye" intranuclear inclusions in infected cells happens at CD4+ < 100 mm^3
HHV-6/7 - Roseola infantum, a high fever then a rash, (you hold roses close to your trunk): a diffuse macular rash that starts on the trunk then spreads to extremities
HHV-8 - Kaposi sarcoma (neoplasm of endothelium), dark violaceous plaques or nodules with vascular proliferationhappens at CD4+ < 500 mm^3
submitted by โshak360(23)
(A) Dense, relatively acellular fibrous tissue with few typical fibroblasts (incorrect)
This is the characteristic description of a scar. Dermal collagen fibers increase as a result of scarring. While the majority of collagen fibers in healthy skin are collagen, type I, a scar is initially created by collagen, type III.