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Retired NBME 28 Answers

nbme28/Block 3/Question#46 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator is studying a T-lymphocyte ...
Endosomes ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: cell_bio immuno organelles

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submitted by superduper(1)
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M2CH smutno eetidpp no smondeoe ak(bser intngae ni cltsoyo and binmocse tiwh reedamp MHIIC clpexom sniide enmodsoe and osstho ti .)tuo

CH1M onutms pteidpe no RE (kaebsr nigeant in toslocy dna paektu sednii eht RE eerhw rngfimo 1CMH nda enaintg tipcreal mesbslae tetoghre nad sohsot tuo via Gl.)-ogiRE

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submitted by โˆ—cytocoins(6)
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fiSdlepmii sorneiv: aintvanir hican erevss sa a aopredllche ttha sits in hte egninta iginbdn esit fo ICIM-H boreef it csehera the CPA ,semoeonsd

rnpotamtI abuecse it tspos C-HIIM morf vciagatnti gisatna unooedegsn nsrpiteo irorp to tsi rvilara to hte seomo.end

nisdIe hte eesonmdo hte nirvtanIa chnia si raededdg yb dict-tiaavdaec ,repstesao dna ylno enht the oxenuegos siatngne aer aodled no CMH II.

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