rlvNuoeceall nevus = .vNsue
oecihrrebs trissae=ok iebgnn rreilftnopoai fo eth eesidpr.im s,Garye entrehda aeanpe.carp dsieocAtsa itwh eoms GI aen.liagsimcn
tciAnic =sioaetrsk lmagnnetpira elnosi atht may srsgreop to saumoqus ellc ironmac.ca o,Rghu cyasl stpaech fo nski ni nsu xespdeo rsae.a
submitted by โnamesthegame22(13)
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rlvNuoeceall nevus = .vNsue
oecihrrebs trissae=ok iebgnn rreilftnopoai fo eth eesidpr.im s,Garye entrehda aeanpe.carp dsieocAtsa itwh eoms GI aen.liagsimcn
tciAnic =sioaetrsk lmagnnetpira elnosi atht may srsgreop to saumoqus ellc ironmac.ca o,Rghu cyasl stpaech fo nski ni nsu xespdeo rsae.a