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NBME Step 2 CK Form 7 Answers

step2ck_form7/Block 1/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old boy has had increasing fatigue ...
Bone marrow aspiration ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: hemeonc

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submitted by study_dude_guy(14)
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sihT osnuiqte si cytllaua a otl eedrpe tanh ti k.loso tI is not oabtu en"wh od yuo ttare "htoayc,nepiombtor hwhci yuo OD eatrt whne heyt heva egldiebn ilke in eht u.qneiost isTh qinosute si utoab etenmgaanm fo LAL whihc hsa pescfcii ignie.ldsue cndigroAc to ouaetp,dt sa lngo sa ttleepla eslelv era otuba 0002,0 in L,AL oyu are gdoo ot og ofr a oebn .bisoyp

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drdoom  rvye ecni +

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submitted by โˆ—buttercup(18)
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nBoe wrmaor ntxinoaaemi si agenyller ont uerqrdei orf hte itilina tnaviulaoe in tsmo cesas of niedxuenlpa edioltas ncemotooyhrptiba ni rdclhnei. sihT lidch sha toiaapecnpyn dna efhrertoe eiesrurq a boen moarwr .oatnpaisri

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jesusisking  yhW wo'dnutl ti eb talteple frnsaistnuo ts?1 +
jesusisking  tusJ dfuon the wr.easn tenPtai asw bestla dna tno lavicety gnelbedi w/ 0K3 ettaelpl .uocnt For htis yetp fo ienpt,ta tsrat isnunrtafgs at t0:;&Kl1 i.awh1///a-1rs/9iaewg5f120wtt-f21p0:20a1hgp5r/tfop3/7.s1/3.p0f1p +4
deathbystep1  wlel hte iunoqste asid sih" gmus erdatst eleidgbn nehw eh hserubd ish .t"eeht oS twno'dlu atht eb niodcresed ceaitv idbee?lng I aws aaerw tuoab eth fpaa lgueesdini as reeht saw a iilsmra oeustiqn ni dUlrwo sa lelw. Teh noyl anerso i cohse petallet sniatfnorus swa aescueb he wsa y"tevacil" bdnegile mrof teh .sugm wsithOeer ti saw recal atth eh adh patnypcoenai dan uyo need to od a oben aorrmw yo.sbpi +
zalzale96  s'tnI oebn wmorar pisaiortan edrdcneosi na viaievsn ercoredup dna thus ew duhosl asuftrsen sinec ish lptaltsee eelvl is blweo k0?5 +
osler_weber_rendu  cAc to UW, in lednchir snrfsaetu gv,ii tsr,dsioe tani D oyln if hdcli has orem ntah etuunaoosccmu .eedsbl nI dulats ti is deon fi hte tcuno is olbwe 3k0 ctveeiprs.ier +

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submitted by โˆ—step_prep5(246)
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  • goYnu dclhi iwth a tneerc IRU woh si inrtsepegn ihwt tancapeopiny nda pphlhnameyodtay nda ahglepaotmye, cncnongrie fro atcue ilhopbalymtcs iumaeelk
  • yeK d:eia rVali icftseionn ear nwonk orf iugscna n,ppiatynaeco btu in tish entatpi who fsit teh ercocrt mriogaecdhp and ahs athedaymnlyppoh adn toepyahmagel s(gsin of mdypilho eprhipyl)aas itf well thwi a nsiosidga of ceaut mlscbloyiahpt amkueile, chhiw dwluo heva at least 02% lstab cslle on nboe rarmow aoanrisitp


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