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NBME Step 2 CK Form 7 Answers

step2ck_form7/Block 2/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 36-year-old woman, gravida 1, para 1, has ...
Uterine atony 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: repro inc

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by athleticmedic(18)
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entalPc"a esapapr ectomepl tub "nrto - if tsi' tnor nda lyon easarpp op,tmecel rearth tnah negbi foncdermi sa octepelm, how cna you elur tou eeatrndi aaectplln sus?tei uoY ldwotn'u ujts ussmae ti saw omcetple at a lmocxep v,lreiyed it wdluo eqreriu

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drmohandes  I fele uyo anm, saw eggusnsi ewbetne het tow swrnsea sa ell.w I tnikh ntro tbu lemecpto mensa hte oewlh apatnecl is reet,h tbu ni eiespc? ywynAa icssacl bsacmgu MBEN qotnisue +4
sahusema  rFo NMEB s,sqeutoni Ie'v uodfn that etevawhr is ltod ni teh nsnifgid incteos of a esmt hlousd be kenta sa 00%1 rtue vene fi ist' na cioeemplnt o,cietndrspi srpue nf,nigoucs or agdsnmliie. So ptecaanl mp?teloec → tnueeri yonta +2

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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You wokn tehy ocdul whtor us a boen ro msin..e.otgh leTl us hte esturu si gogby ta sta,le ro h,rad or ATIYHNNG AT LLA R.L...LAEY

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saffronshawty  Teyh dieotnemn atth hte esutur si 3 mc obeav het uulsibmci hchiw is na ndtcaioiin atth st'i erenlgad nad naths' enurdetr to the aomnrl suatmr-otpp isze it hsdoul be, hichw is at eth elvle fo the imbscuuil +-/ 2 c.m +4
derpymd  oS tath mc+1 is eth osidiintntc ?ereh They icdmstrei to tsesgug rethe mya eb nadeetir naaplctle ,usesti tub tlel su tohning ytlur ulvblaae abuto het tetas fo eth tureus. I khtin hist si a ropo qso.untie +1
cinnapie  @edpymdr i get tawh uyo rea yisang utb eyth sdai atht the caalpent si ortn but oe.tcmepl I sesgu ew edne ot kaet hriet rdwo orf it if tehy yas het clatpaen si mocleept and rhete is lslaoetbyu NNGITHO tefl dbinhe to sauec het ptoymsms +1
machetebetty  s,loA big abyb ;&g-t ylppof setruu . +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by osler_weber_rendu(160)
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aPeaclnt rsepaap opctel"em btu Cr?"scinl?t ?aso EBMN ieuyhsotsh!r

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by step_prep5(246)
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  • namoW twih cnc/eedptlmipodaogrol yievedlr wtih xvessicee ptsuptmroa enligbde how osde otn haev erdantei naeptac,l eitalgn atrtc uamrat ro hsotyri of uotphlogcaya, dan ereerfoth msot ykliel ahs enreuit tyano tom(s ncmmoo cuaes fo tspupormat elgibend and cyomonml esne tafer ouilfpd/dtegfcnilro verelyid)
  • saCesu fo etlpo-vdsyeri eedlibgn si 4 Ts’:  (1)aTony o(stm mo )oncm)2( Tura am3() Tormbnih (plyatg ho)oacu(4) Teisus rdaeenit( eaacltp,n )te.c


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krewfoo99  sYe but ohw od ouy kown ttah hte nclapeta si otn ?ediraetn +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by usmile1(154)
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hsTi ristteepnona eyllra culdo be ritehe drateine atclanlpe sustie ro tenirue .tnoya i ikthn hte eyk ithw heest mbne ouissntqe is to og hitw het tsom liylek ingi,oadss nad het tmos moconm secua fo psot tmaurp hgmreohare is tnereiu oynat

tA" miest hte bukl fo het cptealan iwll idelvre nasoseuponytl ro umnallay, but llmsa prnsoiot ro na socecyrsa ebol may be tdeie.nar hsTi mya eb eutssdcep when eht canptael esaprpa dfentraemg frtea eirldevy ro nweh ehret si gnonoig vhaey euiernt di.elenbg nI isht nuitta,iso eht enietru viyact may be tduavleea thiw umaanl lxopraiento ro thwi lr.ntuousad ehT uliityt fo nuolrtadus in this siianoutt ash tye to be i,sbhsedaetl iwth a clfao edoirmelant asm,s aalicrptlryu ihwt lopDepr l,fow inegb eht infngsdi fo nI neo ysutd of urtioen tdaounusrl mleidmyiaet aetrf ivagaln yeeidv,lr hte vesiyttsnii orf ganisnoidg tirdeena lpcalanet ntmegrfas saw yoln 44% whti a viepstio vterdeiipc ealuv (PV)P of 5%"8 vc86/0./wchipcg.il6b4Pnwi9mn0otslee/../lr00#t9Ma//n:siSth7pwtCmt

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