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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
The gene that codes for a protein normally ...
Deletion of a hydrophobic amino acid sequence from the N terminus 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: cell_bio cell_transport cell_trafficking

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 +58  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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Teh nehitssys of altlryuiv lal rsetnoip deN);p(ge&ttpAiR-m ccsruo ni eht lspocm.tay]1[ a’tshT herew lal soiosrbme dri,ees atfer al.l imo,Reobss whhci rae tlmoys juts rARN 32~/( RNrA + 31/ repoi,t*n by i,wgh)et are sbdemslae in teh cenusul tbu nylo do rieht sfftu oenc htey gte to eth cam.yptols

roF a teronpi ot vaele tsi nioglrai hwntoome of the stocyol dan cmeeob a enditers fo het selnucu o,r as,y hte lmscaoenipd c,urmlteui ti ednse ot hvea a litelt rgtsni of onmia sacdi wihch thuos “I lgebon ni eht ucs!uenl” ro “I ongbel ni the apmidoencls u”iumclret!

Penriots tymliauelt stenddie for eth ER iacotnn an ygvaialitmuinne anmed rtnsig fo anmoi dcsia woknn as ingsal“ ceq”se,une whi,ch fro hte sproeups fo eth pSte 1, is waslya at het .mi-entsNur eTh slangi eesnuqce tsell herot yotcsocli insotper, eH“!y aekT me nda( hte rset of the ipeeptd of ciwhh I am )trpa to het ”!RE

In hte nsabcee of iths agsnil, a nteriop llwi mairne in tsi d”taue“fl hmoe fo het c.olyost

ees;sqHor&ur a cnei aimchctes ghsonwi teh ofwl fo etpiorsn ofrm niailti hstsnesyi ot nfail tan:desoitnsi


  1. eT“h setihyssn of rlulivtay all tpenrsoi ni eht clle snegib on eisrsoobm in eht .c”lystoo (tasielEsn elCl yBoogil, Aselbtr et ,al. 0,421 p. 49)2

fI* uyo lleyar ntaw oyru nimd lnbwo, osrcdnie atht vnee eht rtnpieo sbtnsiuu hatt meka pu that 31/ of a mrosioeb rea meseehvtsl taniiyill thizsseedny in teh lscto;oy trael, htey are esodrpatrtn akbc noti eth csueuln avi the uerlacn pero.

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qball  ewAomes oNw pexlina ti to me ikel 'mI .5 +13
drdoom  lAl bbay eedstppi aer ornb ni hte olyo.cts tBu osme ybba idepetps vaeh a bkrhairmt ta riteh esu-nNt.mri The bairtmhkr stlel a lspicea lnimmaa htta isht bbya snede to be vdeildeer eeosermwh If oyu hopc fof hte bitrhmkra — or eears it whmooes — eth iaammnl ernve woksn to aekt baby to ist tuer moeh. Teh nde. oNw og to leeps or aStna w’not ibrng yoru prsts.ene +83

 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by jejunumjedi(30)
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I nkiht hsti is sbgdreicin a linags dppteei obc(roydhhip at n-smr.ieuNt) oWihutt aigsln deietpp &t;g= tca’n eb patdnesrrto ntio mnelaiscdop uliumt.cre

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youssefa  Is sith eevn in A?F eimohBc hatecpr ylno esinomtn PSRs. +1
lovebug  foussa@ye 1,A9F gp 7c[.ell4 cif]afrkignt tub tno .sadlit..e +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by baengotti(3)
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hTe muesnrNit- is ewrhe uoy veha gianls dpstepie hwhic feendi het grteta of hte nsritpeo tn(ikh of hmte sa staplo o)dec. yalTilc,yp piorsnet are ni eth mlaospcty eatrf htye aer med,a tbu isecn teh heva agst ta iu,sre-nnmt hety og ot erndtieff tesratg keli tshi seca ER. ,woN if hte rnieotp is tairened ni the csamoyl,pt shti smaen eht toinatum bsldadei the agt n(o olsatp o) eceH,n ti si petk in the slc.oyptam

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minion7  usj a I lcel isdeeas - onemasn sduirese rae to eb dgteag yb pshhtopea ot tenre solsmyose - lufiaer fo ioohstaprlopnhy in iglgo edu to abecsne of aeossaoetrprnhpsfh - petniors aer edrestec xcltulaereylalr tbu nto to yrhmo oertlofeesses nya irtnpoe edofrm wlil b aeggtd ebefor it eterns ayn ccipesif e!lon!g!laar +4
michsmith49  uiemn-TrNs sssitas twhi nN.tavioiag N = iiv.tngNoaa +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by sd22(2)
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aCn naenyo hpel exaplin thwa eth etrho iopston uodwl ?taeiln

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