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NBME Step 2 CK Form 7 Answers

step2ck_form7/Block 1/Question#3 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Indomethacin 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: msk

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submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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ishT eno made no essne. Cxcileebo si laeayrd hte tnsgretos SND.AI I wdolu arhrte gvei Donhaxema.eset ciWhh wksro oglan a esaretep cmashmine of .tcioan

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jaypat  adIionmnhtce si ilpylatyc eht ifrst eciohc ASIDN for aeutc togu s.lrfae eThn .gccolriucsdooit salLyt niCiceolhc +1
seagull  I oals sohoec tridsose eiscn teyh weer on a .SIAND flm +2
creamy  waN .gawd xoCeibcle hsa tnryaml-iaftmaion fceicyaf heecn eth eactganrizioto sa a NSAD.I In f,atc ogtu nseapitt deratte htiw oicblCxee vaeh het esam tenmrtaet oeerssnp as hI.nateoimcdn exCobeicl si yalclatu iltesd sa na tealaivnret to cnonseivetel DSNsAI orf aetcu uogty sre.alf iThs aws jsut a bbusams qtenuios. +7
dreamyyn  I oasl shceo heesoetm,xaaDn tub toeduapt sysa the coliiuogdctrco hcocie si soerndpeni nto tm.heasdnexeao tadnchnoeImi si tlpyycial teh CO,D tbreet anht elobcxice. toN a gdoo intoques, utb a gdoo iewerv of elidsat in the oi!ecmiadnt +2
henoch280 hist wsa a dputsi euqtnios +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by jlbae(159)
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reHigh dssoe of boceclexi era dnedee ot hreca simlrai naip irlfee ni tueac ugto omcedrpa ot dtna.eiiocmhn


IFWW, I kicdpe oneamdtshexae oot (:

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by step_prep5(246)
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  • lMd-dgeeadi amn seetpnsr hitw utcae t,enos tumaiatacr ipan of hte atgre toe htiw ,gswlleni eemryhat dna sesretnnde of eth maehgarlastnolpatae injot no ,xmae msto sesicottnn with ctuea gout
  • yKe :edai uctAe gout lodsuh be tetrdea whit sIANSD (fneot )iocmathedinn nad aitsnept  hdslou OTNbe aertdts on riocnhc uogt rgsud llournao,lp(i io,ecdprenb e.)tc until the ecatu frael has rselovde eaubecs eshet gurds anc deal ot iprad thisfs ni rciu cida evelsl atth nac tceeceexuabsr/aa a ewn arlfe
  • tNo e:etatPisn nca osmimetes eb geivn oarl or t-urcairalarint sei,trsdo tbu SIsNDA aer tderi irsft edu ot lrewo kirs dan odgo cfeeesseftnvi in hte iyjtroam fo stitaepn


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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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’“Its lwaluyf qeiut in hetes erhe easpg .”.. 🤠🌵


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