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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Free 120 Answers

step2ck_free120/Block 2/Question#67 (reveal difficulty score)
A 25-year-old woman is brought to the ...
Video EEG monitoring ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: neuro

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submitted by โˆ—bwdc(697)
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Pseeriussduoze ear ngdiaodse ni UsEM htiw diove EGE. uoY acthm eht iahobrve tiwh eth EEG to ees fi rhete are ptiomferleip siadsrgech ttah orsnpdcoer to the sdpee.osi ielWh ihts si ayelcrl badsur orf na ctlpiipee ziueers imbopesl(si emmo,tvens esanin ,idrtaoun dan on tcisltapo rei,)dpo rheet aer epyltn fo sesca fo irzreba sruziee tntasrpe ttha rae EEVG oneprv.

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etherbunny  I gsseu oegn ear hte sday wenh eon gmhit tuorspp het aiywra dgnuir a zireeus whit an orpaeroaylgh awryia ot ees fi eth agg freelx si n.tcti.a. +
kalam  at?wf sSeh' tno nvigha a eseruiz mnyr.eoa yWh eth fkuc owldu EGEV eb seuluf in a tenapit tgsinit ehter kgnoiol at you? +1
kalam  ?watf s'eSh not hagivn a iueerzs aeymorn. hyW het fukc uodlw GVEE be uslufe in a tatiepn gtniits rehte glioonk ta y?ou +
len49  k@lmaa, isht llwi eb het ecas rfo ntasetpi htiw lear aedbniof uzeeirss ro douspe heyT gtmhi zeeis cone adn tnhe uyo pclea the EGE no for 42-72 srhou nad otn cerpatu na,nythig ubt ti is isllt thwro teh ftfreo cseeaub yeht amy veha onahetr hleiw d.letozsiahpi +1

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submitted by โˆ—notyasupreme(48)
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atWh a dmub noestui,q erseh't raylitlel a WrdUlo inuotqse ubtao who a grli hiwt a hx fo seezuisr fekad eno adn owh uyo need ot do ourne iestngt if ehyt eahv no iplc-satto ocsfoi.nun Im' yrs,or why aer we eenv tengiretiann ihts fi seh hsa NO -ctpiasotl if?ocnsnuo

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