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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Free 120 Answers

step2ck_free120/Block 2/Question#67 (reveal difficulty score)
A 25-year-old woman is brought to the ...
Video EEG monitoring ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: neuro

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submitted by โˆ—bwdc(697)
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udoeuszeePisrs are egddinosa in EMsU ithw evdio E.GE oYu atcmh het bhoveria twhi eth EGE to ees if ereht aer eiifropeltmp dcseshgair ttha prdosnceor to eth oed.ipess Wlehi sith si aylrecl abusrd rof an iieeppclt ierzuse sesimoi(bpl ,somemevnt nenais tniou,dar dan no tpstaocli dp)i,ore erhet rae eplnty fo sseac fo eairrzb eeisruz ntetrasp atth aer GEEV vprno.e

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etherbunny  I eusgs oneg rae het yasd hnwe eno mitgh poputrs eth wraiya gudirn a ireusez thiw na ohyerlraagop ywaair ot ese if eth agg fxreel si +
kalam  atfw? e'Ssh ton gvhina a eurezsi Wyh eht cukf lduow VGEE eb slufue in a nttpaei ngtiits htree kloingo ta o?uy +1
kalam  wf?at Sh'es not aghnvi a iueersz aone.mry hWy the kucf lowud VEEG be efuslu in a ttniape stntiig tereh inlgoko at y?uo +
len49  kamal@, tsih wlil eb hte cesa for tasetipn htiw lera andeobfi eurssezi ro doupse .ones yTeh gtmhi szeie eocn nda then yuo lcpea teh EEG no ofr 227-4 sruoh nad not acruept nagnthi,y tub ti is stlil horwt teh rfotef baseecu ythe aym veha neortah ehiwl diep.izthaols +1

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submitted by โˆ—notyasupreme(48)
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taWh a bumd nets,oqiu esthre' lyitearll a UrWlod tuesnioq tbaou owh a gril tiwh a hx of eeuriszs daekf eno and how ouy eden to do rnoue igtnset if teyh veah no stoa-tpicl ofuconi.ns 'mI srory, yhw rea ew eevn gtiitarnenen isht if ehs ash NO ltoitpas-c ?inouncosf

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