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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Form 7 Answers

step2ck_form7/Block 1/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
A homeless 66-year-old man is admitted to the ...
Decreased calcium ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: renal

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submitted by โˆ—step_prep5(246)
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  • yameogsnimHpae โ€“gt;& cRtrrfoyae yhipeokmala and colchimpyaea
  • yKe :edai In eth ientgts fo hicleycamp,ao ornitpamt ot aalysw check a museganim lvele dna a mseru aubmiln eelvl lw(o bimnlua ;tโ€“g& owl ttoal macicl)u


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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—charcot_bouchard(574)
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Eeryivgtnh uyo eend to ownk oatub ,aC M,g K nAd oosAcilhlc

ecD mersu 2+aC ;tgt;&&g nIc HTP netrisoce

cIn eusmr O4โˆ’P ttgg;;&& cIn HTP nseoceirt

Dec rsmeu +2Mg &;g&;tgt Inc PTH eseniotcr

etrV owl umres g2+M ;g&;tt&g Dce TPH intsrecoe

3dr tonip omfr ptse 1 oekelnwdg adme em secooh cin HPT but it h'.dnluost iTsh guy ahs gm fo .40 iwchh is eyvr wlo dna meeebmrr rd nrya eโ€œmso Mg si dneede to eearels PHT โ€nmrh.oeo

In cosoci,hlal

owL Mg c(eesdrDae natike) gtt&;&;g THP strceisena + ihntibI HPT saelree ;t&ggt;& wLo C,a aNmrol to oLw hepatoshP c(an eb mronla edu to wol PT,H ndtse to be low ude to trntoniiu dna uiayrnr lsso in c.hilslao)co

eHapiynemoamsg si mComno ni isoaochlcl due ot โ†‘ ynarrui ss,lo uo,atiinrnlmt utcea trasanecipit dna .rdiehraa eosD ont snrdeop to c.miulca gmMuianse tolRiepen cuiqk HPT ecve,yorr acciulm astek mite ot haecr armonl e.lelv

olcslhcioA oasl ehva low +K fatcryroer ot pnaetsiepulmto.n siTh is alos ued ot low .Mg salcyliaB gM epnetvsr niyurra slos aiv OKRM nalcnhe. gM plneasmeinuottp is enddee to rahec nloram K l.evle

oottBm ile,n clichoAsol ear eyvr eyklil to avhe olw K, a,C gM. hiTs nca ncmycpoaa lwo to mraonl O.4P ihsT is itdndenepne ot ertwheh or otn CDL si npteesr.

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charcot_bouchard  Teh neyphasmoegami is iapecls cbsaeeu it masek pyiemhcolaac dan poyiahkeaml fa.errorytc +1

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submitted by new_user(1)
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umlabiaoHpmieny strsule in aeprpnat cciahyol.epam reeF laciucm si enucnghad dna het ipsntaet odt'n evha xs fo pceclmoihaay, tub atlot auclimc oesstr rae eddeplet hchiw( is tahw teh bla uameres.s)

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submitted by โˆ—buttercup(18)
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yncDfceiie of l,amccui meamnuis,g ro rhsuhpopos yma be elretad to eeadrdces k,aenit inpsmbrlaota,o ro renal o.eslss imluCac ycfniecied amy losa be yndasoerc to manieumgs or iamvitn D ceinefdc.yi sThi esp'tniat gaunmmesi saw w.lo C,luicma usmne,amgi nda psuhrsooph svllee dulsho be edkcche ni lal sitaetnp htiw na aohllco seu rdeorisd or yehav holclao use.

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