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NBME Step 2 CK Form 7 Answers

step2ck_form7/Block 4/Question#2 (reveal difficulty score)
A 27-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
Transfusion of group O, Rh-negative packed red blood cells 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: surgery inc

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submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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Teh insdiioacnt rfo boodl oinnutsasfr rof ilepcv erutarcf pttsiean era istcosly lodob rrssueep of &0l;t9 gmH,m hrtae qeecrfynu 0t;g3&1 pmb dan ciacnill mspmsyot of ho.cks In an meergy,cne emocnibd orsnatsuifn fo dre olbdo es,lcl lmapsa nad taepltsle (46-1-) si rdrerpefe 91.()

.So..... hiTs eoisnqtu is lhtlsi?bu

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study_dude_guy  I ptsen ayw oot ognl yrintg to fidn htsi rp.epa eip84pb:h1c3wv/Corg/m/c.n5.wm.cwiP/nlM/94s/int.ttashl Teh owfl rhcat si teh ifstr egInf rui rmoja mart,au uoy ivge 12- L of fdliu dna chcke for ssee,rpon if yhet rea lltsi opetehvnyis uoy igev odblo .pcstduor +1
seagull  hsiT si a untesoqi fo m)ianile tn.oAi erpnehinpEi olwdu sceeanir ihs aerth erat icwhh si laerady at B)10 3 No aeid twah isth s-i cossr ti off )C obtimacRnen ocatfr 8 - tx mioeahhilp A) D rsevree cuogotlaninatia ubt ont ymmclnoo eusd. PCT is edus o). wEn TP is hsetnyepvio nad eialvcyt nedglebi in chtse - ksmea ostm snsee +4
seagull  sTih si a netoisqu fo tn.Alaeni m)iio ierEippenhn wdoul ariesecn sih taehr raet chhiw is rdelyaa ta )13B0 oN iead wtah hsti is- srsoc it ffo )C ncaiRbmntoe craoft 8 - xt ohiihmapel AD ) erersev tloaiagntacniou but nto oylonmmc .edus PTC si duse En.)ow PT si hnyisetvoep nda eltcyavi bdgeline ni hects - seamk stom eesns +
prasadnadendla  We acn mtiainele piihnrenepe sa an ewarsn aebcesu eht teiatpn si nto vnihga nlhaaaxispy or icsept .okcsh ehT enta'stpi ohyienspnot nad rdatahccayi rae ued ot voal.iheoypm eeBuasc yteh have ayaeldr ceeidvre a tigsincnafi ntomua of adclstrisyol the nxet tesp si a obold fsotun.rains If too uchm dariscsoyltl aer eifdsun hte aentipt nca gte a ooupctygahal inuldgnic ICD ued ot tdauolliin poymncotietb.hrao +1

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submitted by step_prep5(246)
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  • Key ea i:dtatineP h savceita ldbee iotn htces (ihtrg eommnhrueotxphoa whti vegteain th)TSaAF t s iton enidsprngo ot dlisfu n(isarme crayaidthcc nda veehtiopyns rtfae 3L o)ilt,cyaldsr nad ehftrreoe ldosuh be aadmeng twih obodl cdoprtu cenoasiitutrs + asigurcl etienninotrv
  • yeK ida:e Gpuor O, hneiv-Rateg olbdo anc eb eigvn ot tietspna of lla BOA dna Rh ldobo pytse


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submitted by dreamyyn(10)
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Just inrrgegad eul'gsSal enosucm,mbt arhtchseta is a oilocld itounosl i(n tcrnotsa to mroaln lieasn or ltcteaa sirgr'ne hcihw si rl)yoladcstsi adn si eth enindc-elso namtrette to xndaep eth mlevou ni setptain wiht rcrnimanho-oheg ohksc eh(t frtsi ilne is ss)olrtaci.dyl ooldB afsisurnton sdolhu eb gnive ot rcheirmogah

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