gigantichawk"Septic arthritis may be definitively established in the setting of positive synovial fluid Gram stain/culture. In patients with purulent synovial fluid (leukocyte count 50,000 - 150,000) but negative synovial fluid cultures, a presumptive diagnosis of septic arthritis can be made."
Acute Calcium Pyrophosphate deposition would typically have a leukocyte count of 15,000 - 30,000 on aspiration.+
lilmonkeyIf the Gram stain is negative but there is suspicion of bacterial arthritis, vancomycin plus either ceftazidime or an aminoglycoside is appropriate.+
submitted by โgigantichawk(1)
Was anyone thinking calcium pyrophosphate? Inflammatory joint, patient with RA, no organisms seen on FNA, would be treated with steroids?