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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Free 120 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—bwdc(697)
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Autonomy matters. If a patient has the capacity to make medical decisions (i.e. understands the risks) and is not an imminent harm to self or others (i.e. suicidal or homicidal), then he cannot be held against his will. We donโ€™t institutionalize people just for noncompliance with medical treatment.

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Must-See Comments from step2ck_free120

mmizell on S1 radiculopathy
len49 on Increased total protein concentration
bwdc on Cardiovascular disease
bwdc on Discuss the familyโ€™s goals for the patient
anonmedstudent on Skeletal survey
carolebaskin on Axillary-subclavian venous thrombosis
bwdc on Discharge the patient with a plan for home ...
bwdc on Echocardiography
bwdc on Selection bias
bwdc on Immobilization of the right foot in a ...
bwdc on Ultrasonography
bwdc on Arteriovenous fistula
bwdc on Hepatitis C
bwdc on Multiple myeloma

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