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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#48 (reveal difficulty score)
The breakdown of dipeptides and tripeptides ...
Intestinal mucosa 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: GI

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 +381  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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eTh imsnaesct of hsti tiuosneq emad me toivm oobld.

nOe ady a tnpeiat lilw oolk em ni teh yees and ,ask "reheW ear ireidtstpe erbkon wn?"do I illw iemsl ta tmeh nad sy,a "hte enisatitln muscao nad not hte u"d.eduomn Tell'yh eilsm abck dna l'lI kawl aawy nad hnkit fo thsi nmtoem as I umjp rofm het w.dnoiw

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sympathetikey  oTo lrae. +5
mcl  owh do i uetpvo pleutmli stmei +22
trichotillomaniac  I edma an tuccano yseoll os I cdolu oeuvtp tish. +40
dragon3  yt rfo het cukhelc +8
cinnapie  riacno@lcthimltoia emaS +5
thedeadly96  DX deam ym ay!d +2
hardly43  PIR egndle ulalesg@ +2
seagull  A gdlene nvere die +4

 +56  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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Teh ldnoaedu nulem a(nd nracctipea aesreopst klie CYNMPITO)SHRY is eht tesi heerw certinapac mneezsy eeatdds)ni“”peops( lveeac rlega yoeslppitepd tnoi maersll tibs e)t,pseep(etip=dtisp.drdii tI is ta het HBRSU DREORB erewh eth lseslamt dskin fo eisdeptp pe(pidiptss,diprtieedt)e ear brkneo owdn onit iehrt iaonm ,aidsc iwchh yilnafl nac be oatnrsdortce-p iwht Na+ iotn eht ninitsealt ce.ll

I ihtnk otbau ti shit :awy

  • othcasm iadc nrdesaute dan “sneop ”pu iopetnsr uwtoti(h cpfiecis lga;ev)eac
  • npiacarect myesnez hnet ealevc dtnueread tippepeodyls iotn rleaslm tsi;b
  • rshub erbdor nzesemy inlfaly reakb wnod nttisei ptedpies noti lorbsbebaa inaom .csdai
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regularstudent  Isn't eth rushb oderbr itlls atpr of eht ilntasenit eum?ln t'Dno het manoi dcasi enert toin eth sntienalit cell hte( a"tliiesntn cos?ma)"u +1
drdoom  dnutgaur@tleers oN, het mnelu is llteiryla hte eiyhtt—avc tymep .aecps +2
jj375  tSill nyandoe uabto isth qnostie,u ubt reeh is a emtccsiah in aesc it elhsp nnyaeo ees:l lp./pipohdogod/8iittcsiff/myecei0liljcoa/9htbrsli.d/aoe/ +2
drdoom  7@j5j3 etsb cehascitm vie’ esen so .rfa ebspu.r +2

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by am4140(8)
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Oen fo teh ocostDr in rgTinnia vesiod edlkat botau istpobrano of inuetsn,tr and ciaeylifpcsl nmetdoien atth dpetipisde nda ptderitpsei are odntrrpctosae tiwh onedghry otin eth italtnInes asmluco eclls wilhe lgeins AAs aer dsrapeocntort ithw Na+. oS ont yonl do eedsditppi nad riptiestdpe mkea it noit eht nttealsini omsauc refbeo gneib bonrek ,wodn eyht tlyacula teg in tfsera hant snlgei AsA od.

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weirdmed51  doK!su To uyo +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by nerdstewiegriffin(45)
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eM: I am rsoyr ot asy but bceseau of teh nensqeccsoeu of yrou MD we lwil vaeh to mpauatet ryou t: lgiatnPee yo,ak btu I evha noe ontqsuei e :M ? tnyite:ePsa is recftosu rbneko dnwo ni nltsineati neulm ro sttnliinae aem?cuoM s: t .P.aie.t..:n .....e:M I ihnkt tsi aitnsinetl emuln

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by weirdmed51(30)
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hTis ouqintse okber me eomr hnta het peit.edps

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by medstruggle(20)
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Wyh is uadedoln numel ircroe?ctn I hgotthu cecipantra emzseny ocyy,npimshr(t c)perxdetaspibyao wulod eb tldocea eer.h

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colonelred_  neinrsaokEte cesvtai onrpgsetyin nda si oeldtac eloscr to teh tinaenslti cmslauo “u(rhbs d”r)or.eb +2
drdoom  ,heaY rdlcolo@een si git.rh te@ledgum:sgr eht ednuldao lemnu n(ad het cacpatrnie tsee/rap/os ouy iteonmn) is the esit reweh acapintcer zmeynse ipsodsen“daeet)”(p laecve egalr deteppylospi iton slaemlr It si at eht RUHBS DROERB rehwe the lmstslea idnks of tiesdppe dseid,pteip( )prsditpetie rea krenbo owdn tino trihe aoimn sci,ad ihcwh lnfyali nac eb rsnatre-toodcp htiw +aN iotn hte taniseltin ll.ce I tkhni utbao it ihts w:ya cothmas dica uenrtdsae nda n“opse p”u toenpirs u(whttio any ifcipesc ;vlg)ceaea icaanetprc mseenyz then vecela ndreteuad yolpeeppstdi tino aelmlsr b;sti subhr rerdbo zsneeym llfniay erkab dnwo ynti dtspepei tino oeablbrbsa maino icdas. +4
drdoom  Ncei chiamc,ste dd@pewellpe +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by xs34_23(0)
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reesht a izank drac in eth GI ekcd ofmr snztocao ongshwi ulnlaim ides pit+eepdH/di adn eetiH/tdipr+p cpnrrsr.tstao-eo neTh nediis eth iitnaslten m,csuao teh di dan ipretistdpe ear bkenor odwn tino noiam dscai erhew a aaslb sdie ostprrreatn tpus temh otin het obodl atmsre

eseHr a knil nowsigh ttha:


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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by jbrito718(48)
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D-i dan ri-T etipedsp nca tnree otni eyseotrntec vai pPTe1 opartstnsrre nda eb kbreon nodw to monia acdsi htiniw eht ercsyto.neet eceHn hyw eth uelnm is ton eht sbet aenwsr

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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eTh imesstcan of shti ouneqits eamd em tovim bldo.o

tA eslat one dya a ianettp illw kolo me in eht seey adn ask " wrhee rea tsiperdite okebrn nodw a"t. I llwi slmei at meht nda ays "hte nlainstiet uoasmc dna nto the muue.ndod" heTlly' slemi ackb and hnet li'l ehnt li'l awkl ayaw adn itknh fo itsh momnte sa I umjp from eht wdoniw.

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weirdmed51  uoY tgo 313 teov rfo htis daer, ndee ?moer +1

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