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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#8 (reveal difficulty score)
A 1-week-old newborn is brought to the ...
Organic acid metabolism disorder 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem artist90

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 +47  upvote downvote
submitted by lsmarshall(465)
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Uare Cyelc rriesodsD t&g; astdIloe reeevs aiammnmphyoere t;(g& 001;0 .i,.e on trhoe eeesvr ciaebtmol ednsuicbrsta

enrthnOii abacraeyrlsatnms iiydenccfe tg&; msot( nmoocm urae ccyel d.s)i ctrooi aeimariuicidacda/, pmharyemnamoei

aOingcr dsaAmicei ;t&g eyiaa,meonmprmH i-nonagpa ioisad,sc ektisso ofrm( yihgcalpom)ye

nha-Meicudmi cAoay-Cl yregohednesda ifdicneeyc ;gt& manHme,imopeary okhycioettp cyapglihoemy sne(e in nix-iadtooβ d,esdorsri ETCPEX )kddretloorhuonypyesa

eviLr ynctnidsufo gt&; ommeyaHnirp,ame TsLF essemd p,u derlo tp.

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lsmarshall  mayrSmu fo tomilceab usessi entaligr to erhomnyampaemi +9
seagull  i'm gilanen raotwds Onitrhine baatlrseyscrnaam icye.efidnc +3
notadoctor  toN rsue hyw tihs st'in dcirsendeo a rotamionlhidc dseiordr inces eht uisse is nnrOhteii asnrlaarsmeacybt ccdyieinef in hte ohi?odinarctm +2
charcot_bouchard  if it was lcrioohamntid odrseidr on eno dluow aceeps +3
wowo  rgefiu in TCO e,dncicyief teyh timgh aveh ot lxceitlpiy mineton het ootrci audiicar NDA ctlyipyla nserestp raeir,el urdona 4sr4-8h2 fo ifel rftea tehey'v edf a(t lteas erp B +)B saol per BB, oonpprcii demiaiac nda MM iicdaaem vahe an stnoe of wskee to htosmn dna dlae ot uibld pu fo inacrog aidsc g&-t-; amacidie in idtndiao to heromamnpaymei (ton uers yhw, tbu evselra aa erten eth TCA ccley avi loinrpypo CoA -t;-&g llamonhleyymt ACo -;>- ncuilscy ,CoA ubt now isht si ceduftn d/t ynezem n.eeisc?cf.)ei.i.d oAy,wnh ppinoicro iimedaac erddiebsc on 09A2F1 p,58 but tsen'od ilts mirmpeynamoeha +2
artist90  i kthin it nntaoc eb tnnhOieir brmarscaeansltya einccydfei cb it si XR es.adeis ihst tp ash a htlhaey 2ry ldo erohrbt iwchh rlseu tou li-kendX ecssievre aseeisd cctrore me if i m gnowr +7
artist90  it is %010 icpoiPnro miadaiec owdlUr iQ-d: 403.1 it is an xtcae yocp oequsint of lowdur. i tgo ti gowrn bc i fogtro tehse rae nagicro adsic. But i am tlils eufsocnd on 2 1nh-howi tgs osed iscisdoa eucas iycmpoglHeya dna steo2si w-hy.K is noimAma eetvleda ni etesh pst bc raue yccel llwi eb ?fien +2
yb_26  1) ayeinreaompmmh si ense in lla urea lceyc osreirsdd txecep anrsgaei eic f2d)cniey garcoin aiscd clderyit tniiibh ruea eccly ;g=&t mnraomehipmyae mof(r lor)WUd +2
yex  crcdnoAig to WU, herte is treoahn isenotqu # 3141. iTsh one rresfe to lymomheanlcti dmeaicia ACIRNOG( AD)MEA.ICI HAMYYLGECPOI lstsure mrof avoelrl eiednacsr comtilabe rtea ianledg to ndsceeari celguos ualtitnzioi adn iretdc tcxoi -() fo nucseseoeogngil by criaogn scia.d hTe nerscpee of iyaloepcmygh eadls to edanseirc feer tfyta idca imtbaoesml htta ecropdus NETS,OEK lieurtsgn ni a rertfuh ioann agp tme icidao.cs iFnyl,la arnigco csiad soal lytdcier )-( teh ruea e,ylcc alnidge ot ANPA.OYMREIMMHE +19
ih8payingfordis  I nthki ethre sha eebn esom ofisucnosn uabscee AF dseo a orpo obj neirtntigga tehse scopentc reoegtth ubt erhe rae some cferrene:es A F 0291 gp 58: iPrnooipc emaicdiA th(si si eon lpeemxa of rgancio cdai bmtsemoila di)rdsero In hte muasmyr ifregu on gP 4,7 loko at het eptnroi blimamtseo (cadtloe omtbot htrig.) ylBisl,aac uoy nac vahe rsdeirsdo erewh you ahve i-oPlonporyAC bdiulpu nleao OR lAryiCP-nooo and MtlAyaoemhyl-onlC ibdul.up And these rniaogc amiediasc ear toamoalsu eesvcesir in retih ertcnneiaih sp,etnrta hwcih tfi hwit eth smte 'ewer egvin ei( XX nslddiuaivi acn be cnae edeOft)f hgint ttha UW taste atht I od ton evha an naalpxoniet of:r teh lpuuidb fo rgaoicn daisc nithbii hte uear ylecc cnehe eth ieeracns in aommian ey(noan oswkn how htis hae)npsp? +
aaftabsethi1  naC sonomee ellt me hwy otn LSMAE ? +1
jaramaiha  hftb@aaaties uacsebe all of teh blsigsin lwodu hows esom tmysposm fi ti eewr to eb a lnchdmrtaoioi esed.ias ihcWh ihs rtrheob si ehhyalt, nad rtsies aws mtrlfule- utb deid deu ot fsiienupcde .uscsea +
utap2001  Why caidsiso cuase acyilHmpgeyo adn osisetK adn pmhama?onirye nI isossiudhc(ca atlicc )s;g&dtcisaoi- tacdniei dbyo yrgnee riiscs ;tg-& cin. yiocsl,ygls tiga&ye;gl-Hcmyop n.ic inrtpoe nbarow,ked pneiormyaaHm &t;-g edc. ATC cc,eyl isoKtes +

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by powerfulgarbage(17)
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tsuJ to dad ot waht oesm tshroe have ,dasi shti si ni Fsitr Adi as lw.le FA 0220 agpe :58

grcOain aiisacmed mots nmlomcyo eerpnts ni inyfnac htwi ropo fie,dneg tgini,omv thpio,ynoa a hhig ninao pga aoeclbimt oicdsi,sa m,eotlhagaeyp adn

Teh gcriona daci ocuianltcamu soed 2 thgn:si

  1. ancgOri adcsi hnitibi elieecgsuosngno, lanegdi ot sinftga cmoiapeglyyh hwhci nteh ascues ik,ocoiedatss aicnusg a high AG almcebito icsisoad

  2. aiOngcr scdia iitihnb eth reau lecyc, agdelni to eomiharmanpmye

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forkyeaa  ihts bcin lctwaohfr wossh woh eht lycsce era tdn.heibii tmhgi peh.l /Fwilc.wi2ogm/ihh:wMCcbfng/lt6.1euimtn/pc/37n/8g2e.vr.sipar/stP/2 +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by sattanki(82)
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antC’ lpeh mhuc no eht acxet nniegosra y,wh tbu etehr ear a fwe lWodUr esotusnqi no siht erehw fi a etonnae ash lmecyy,ihgopa koisste dna aynhmaomirp,mee a caronig aicd rdoesdir ouldsh be scpetedus cpoinor(ip daic ro enhmclimytola .dia)c sLse ssopuiucsi fo an RTA ecasu lgypocyihema si ont hscitrairetacc of

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sweetmed  Im uinassmg abceuse Naauylecltmet-tgat is an tclloiraes tcoavirat of CSP I deeden in reua .eyclc adn GNA- is dema of ugttelama and yaltec .ocA oS in nograic iiasmadce, all eth lcetay oCA si egnbi duse ot aekm eesnokt ofr eyngre secin ocgeseelinongus si dessme u.p oS aeUr celcy detnos krwo as ellw dna 3HN altccseaumu +4

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by passispass(1)
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yM anesniorg on shti notqesusi aws lrseimp - I nthki ehyt natwed us to ikcp an lmasoauto cirevesse seeaisd bsdae no tperant of diks aeeftcfd h(tbo fsamele rea dtfceefa - t'acn eb yanhtgin ;)lX-dneki byo aws theyahl - eulr uot hdmoncti.laoir ihtW sret - eurl uot bueaces fo nesedcari nomiaam adn fintlenia ees.rpaontitn ynOl irocgna idca abolsmmeti deorsdir tefl

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by forkyeaa(1)
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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by abhishek021196(119)
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iOrnhntie esabcaarasmrylnt i dteMfciycnsoe. omcnmo raue yccle rsde.roid lnedi-Xk ssvecreei v(s orteh uare ccyle mzyene ,dcesniiefice cihwh aer mslutoaoa icrs.)evsee

strnreefIe wiht eht od’syb btliiay ot imnlteeai

fetOn vieendt in teh rifts wef syda of ie,fl utb yma npesert ael.rt escEsx aorcbymla hptaoehps is rdnoe tvtcoe croiot daci aptr( fo het rmipdineiy sisnstyhe )phtaawy.

nsdnFig:i rno eeciacdrtIos acdi in bdolo nad ie,nur UeBae Nc,dsDre spmtosmy fo p.mommenraeyhia llasicagt eobNom naeaim vs( trcioo a.cida)iur

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passispass  nCa ti be na eXdnlik- aesieds if hbot slfemae era effetcad and oyb si ?ont I nhkit nkyiuell +

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