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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#25 (reveal difficulty score)
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 +47  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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ohW else mace reeh ferat tgtgine gdergrtie yb isth wran?se

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yousif11  ishT tqsinueo ddi not age lwel +23
helppls  m'I ggnoi ot be kgitan Spte whit htis gons ctsku in my adhe oll +

 +28  upvote downvote
submitted by aneurysmclip(209)
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enoyna lese teg htis rnwgo lihwe hte rcnrtue oaurrnvcios "nd"ceapim (cac ot oems recossu) si elih npeigepna?fgn llraaelal budm rn

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targetmle  sye baeeusc i thghout yhet otnw iegv eqsu no urnretc ioanrrcuvso tnoiaiuts so y!ela!r +
adamventure  I htthogu ot mfslye dan"m ti eurs udwol eb fnkuic lariusioh if aisnvorourC was the aw"rne..s rtsnu uto it saw adn ti naw'ts lshiiraou cinse I tog it nogw.r +67
asdfjkl  no sotque eedden rfo pnamiced eronamy (: big sda +14
yesa  !seY tbu s,ola rrivonsucoesa tefno sueca eth ncmomo ,olcd not all fo meht rea llerya adb! oS hsti oy4 glri udolc allireylt jsut heav hte common c,lod nad het urrincooavs leadosti rofm erh iekyll teo'sdn eavh mpcnaeid tl.noeapit oS shti uotesqin has nhigton to od tiwh hte nongiog i-'msdpt-nciae ujts deccnice!oin +2
jaramaiha  aWs I teh noly noe ttah hotthgu it wsa uasce it is eenpvlode nad aiyesl tddoesyre? llo I i'ntdd eenv rbeoht wthi d.scersritop +1
madamestep  cac" to eosm seos"urc oh so .goynu.. os vneai +
fatboyslim  j@iaaahmra odgo noe heter +

 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by tea-cats-biscuits(273)
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uYo oknw its’ na deoveepln suriv nicse it toends’ hold up ot aidc or igenb .dredi oYu owkn it aucess a vfere nda a cog,uh hilew cigafenft teh nxr.yal nlOy urivs tecoryag hatt tsif all ttha inof si hte rocnovuasir ase(suc S)SRA rmof atth ilst.

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zelderonmorningstar  BEV edt’sno asecu veerf dna c?huog +1
zelderonmorningstar  woW, tujs checkde tisrF diA adn ti etdos’n list h”u“cog as a optsmym fo EVB. +4
drdoom  VEB si tno a sarr“rtpioey ”vriu;s i’st a B* clle r* neEv ohught you imght aaesciost it tihw eth pupr“e rrriaptyseo crt”ta gsins=(ik aiees,sd) ti stedno’ sucae astrpyorrie motnliiaafmn niecs ha’stt otn sti .ertop B esllc aer its eortp! tTah’s hwy VEB is ailpitcdme ni rtBukit mL,hpoyma rayhi pkkleloaiau dan hteor oolbd escrnca. (EBV is salo knonw as yousci“lypvopr”trhm -- ti swa lnyiigarlo erivedcsdo nih”ig“d in cpomyh*esty*l fo )esykonm. So, VEB = hntik B s.lcel +30
fulminant_life  EVB deso sceau eyaparhgln nad laglnreya mnnaialftomi nagol iwht ,everf em,alsia adn ohgcu dan .ALD Teh lnoy itnhg ahtt teidpon me away form nmoo adn twdasor vocironrsau asw het entisapt aeg. +8
nbmehelp  nCa onmesoe xlnapie hwta tno ldhgoin pu ot diac or ngebi eidrd ash to od wthi eignb ndelep?voe +
yb_26  h@l,meepnb het eevpnelo itnsocss fo osiohidslhppp adn iptcrnelsgoyo =&g;t t,eha dca,i etr,sdgeent ryigdn - lla fo ttha anc idveossl eht pidil byariel besaenmrm &g;t= usiervs lilw loss thire ifyitvetnci s(ceaebu they dene an nvoeeelp fro wot onraess - ot cettorp meth gsnaati stoh muemni syse,mt and ot aathtc ot hsto eclsl uefrsca ni dorer ot etnifc etm)h +12
lowyield  _26@by esod atht mane htat dnpnenlov-eeo susierv hdlo up retbte ot sd?cnyrieds/a +2
rina  sye deeloenpv rueviss are sireae ot klil ee(s tosp fmor astuardrsqe:np ao3werm6b/wcn2/1/b:h1tmw./stemmss/pne.axn1we.) laos i hiknt hte e"nhw red"id ghtim errfe to hte tacf atth acniroovusr is adsrpe by riyrraetspo stprldeo dno'(t enev dnee to edra rifts dia anc jstu dera the nsew ta hist )tinop! +4

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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EBV is not a opeaysrrr“it ”usrvi -- ist’ a B lecl rsivu. tI tscnife B elscl; tno aeaygnllr .esllc

nEev gthhuo ouy itghm ciaaoesst it ihtw the ppeu“r erosrityrpa a”ctrt k(gi=niss si),edesa ti os’dent eaucs pyraierrsto lftaninioamm encis shtta’ otn its er.tpo B clesl ear sti perot! a’shTt ywh VBE si cpdimatlei ni rtitBuk h,ymmopaL rayhi eplokuliaak nad ohrte boodl aces.cnr V(EB si osla knwon sa omyuhsycp”oprivlr“t -- it was grinliolay cveidoesrd ii“hdng” ni etlomsypyhc fo yosm)ek.n So, BVE = tnkhi B elsc.l rFmo teh SMeH lr:yarib

heT ptey sepcsei fo VLOHCPTPRORUISMYY, uimslabfy IESHAPMMAERIEARGNV, gcietinfn l-secBl in .mnhasu It is togthuh ot eb het iavcesatu ngtae of IIUCOTESFN OSMSUCONLNOIE dna si styolgrn cotasadies ihtw olar yarhi ipoauklleak (ULPAKELKOIA, IYARH,); KITTRBU AYLPHMOM; nad rteho amnec.aisgnil


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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by staghorn(6)
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oto aelr .n.r.

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thotcandy  ?tgrhi bmne rdpiegnict het urtfeu +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleaspirant2020(9)
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terqnauandi ta ehmo ugrnid het vunisoraroc ieadnmcp and ctelegnsi eht rigth wsaern sa oCoaRn wthouit kiinntgh twiec as i ues hte zasnitrei to lkli otseh ltltie arsadstb inwknog eyht era onlvwd.oepe.ew thaw ash lefi meeocb

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procrastinator  olL, I lcto'nud llryea igrufe tshi ieonutsq uto so I swa klei F it. ranCuviorso ti is. +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by covid2019(8)
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Hi ereht! Pneiitcdrg meso osietuqsn on nemacdspi in TSPsE1 in eht rena uufter. ytaS ue!dtn

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by 07chess(3)
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I ckeidp sauoiRr,tv tgitins ni teh iylarbr twih a aksm no ued to .IV1DCO9

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by 123ojm(11)
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yciflpeilSca d'itnd cesoho osrioucrnva eud ot het eedicnev that D-COV9I1 is spaedr eyc-falrolla. owH esod ti get hrhoutg the GI acttr fi i'ts tdienviacta by pH &tl; 6? naC oeemons xilnepa hyw my nghnktii is r?wong

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hello  .9C1VO-..ID si tidantrtsme aiv rrtioearysp .pstldeor +4
123ojm  ghRti utb osem raechesr sah emoc otu ynigas si't olsa eprsda .r-aflyoecall So Im' niergndow atwh 'Im mgsnsii ni hist uoqtsnie. +
tyrionwill  otDn' srttu US CDC in thsi piec.nmda hyeT waslya dpwaodleyn eht hutr.t oinarsCurv dseo asdper ynmial yb edl,trpso enhw eyht pdo,r yeht eaocttannim het esafruc, hetn r-afoalecl olucd eb a sdocne ya.tphwa gnraeiW as,km coaisl ditnianscg are ohtb ot etrevpn a todrp.le +
boostcap23  I ogthhtu ivdco sdeu to eb wol ldeiy hwne tshi tets was dmea and etyh tnddi' nniotme cleahil so I 'dnitd kcpi ti smh mI' an o.tidi +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by rockodude(39)
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imainleet facle aorl uresisv enth ro'uey owdn to BEV dna .cnrooa oarnoc is a orerirptsay rusi,v scedon tmos omncmo ceasu of oomcnm co,dl dna EVB eucsas omn,o ton lyeral ciaastdose wthi a cgu.oh tshat hwo I kooled at it

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleaspirant2020(9)
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ridaeuntqna ta oemh gdrnui hte ocrnavuisor aipcnmed nda eselignct het irght warsen sa ooCaRn wtoituh giknnthi tiwec as i ues eht nirizeats ot llki stheo etlitl sradsabt wnokngi hety era o.plovedweew.n athw has flei oebemc

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by theunscrambler(4)
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e:voEnpel idpLi rbealyi rdaonu het cpiads taht tnicoans varil yirogsnpeloct and tohs lcle Tirephtso.n e snceerpe of eht iilpd reyiabl samke learny lla peeevndlo iservsu ebvearlnlu ot iprda anntocaitvii by orgcnia vostsenl eg..(, aclhoo),l ednegre,tts dan rdy tea.h

erWhe as eennovdeolp-n userisv rae nallygree sriteants to teh omri.vnennet

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 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by madojo(212)
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vipeosti esnse ANR ,irvus snrocu wn coinoa nrgk wergina oreb - le ceneicauphadstall rivus - isnpgiral oadr, iahclel ienssrnet zeeg dna ibglnow gkin - mnocmo dclo with iorchboln tree no gkni otninipg to RSAS dan dmledi esta istrarpoeyr nmrdsoye ae(tuc biis)rconth

siTh ivsur aiespteclr in eht tsapyocml tasth hwy King si teusodi ish claest s)uelunc(

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j44n  Im' so agdl i ntod hvae ot kate ptse oen ocne etyh oecrivds all htsi hsit tbuao hte nwe ooacrn .inrsat +

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