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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Form 7 Answers

step2ck_form7/Block 1/Question#23 (reveal difficulty score)
A 16-year-old girl is brought to the ...
Family therapy ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: psych

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submitted by โˆ—jesusisking(31)
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I itsqonue s,ith most appratripeo tenx tesp oluwd be to niieevtatsg if te'hyre sfea at .moeh seBauce fi he si euvasib dan snearl oerm atuob the rt'euasdgh bveohria adn atht the omm tn'swa gelnlti ihm ohgurt(h almify ,p)ahyrte it odulc egt If ylon ti was na ioopnt

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qfever  htis mteomnc kesam my mood ebtrte +1

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submitted by โˆ—step_prep5(246)
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  • mayilF tyreahp si iopeparptra in this case csabeeu the r,fateh ehormt nda augdethr oludc btnefei form dveirmpo mnmcoioutcina dan ioncgp istreaetsg
  • oNe:t ymilaF hyepatr is osal vftcieeef in eth emenmgaatn fo a enptita iwth hnchpaieisozr es(lhp to aeucetd ylamif tbaou stsm,opmy cuor,se e).tc


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submitted by โˆ—azibird(279)
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eAegr htta tihs outqisne s.cksu yWh ton go for chyasmindpcyo yoshrpchyptae esnci eth tnetpia eilicpaylcsf ssya hse loduw leik to rnauddnest yhw ehs odse tsehe hts?ngi tNo a great ooipnt utb st.i.ll.

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submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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rdiWe reansw ot a iedwr soqni.teu ht(eSe"h ligr ele)rhsf dsoten dunrsetdan hwy seh odse tehes "tnghsi edma em nthki of some tros of iaMna teo.mocnnp

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charcot_bouchard  If a fylmia tsberea a eeertang fro lomrna nthsig hse wlli ueqostin fl.ershe sIt eth aesm ithng nees ni a xhuslmoeoa rgeneeat ohw lwli inuoesqt lrmnao eeldtvenlompa uioerhbav beeaucs ist eben tdlo as epripro.m +1

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submitted by โˆ—seagull(1933)
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maiFyl ?eyprath lsneUs reh iesssu rea evidedr omrf ehr limyaf in isth eacs she denes bilorvaahe htryepa for erh ulsgminsya auexls vrebo.iha yWh udwol hse pneo pu in fonrt of ehr dda botua het udsde hse niegb apritnaipoepr t?ihw

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lindasmith462  wyh wdlou a 61 eary lod need thryape fro ytatllo lonmar egeenat erhaobvi? nda lmiyaf reaytph t'isn nagno be tuaob erh tenillg het ltdsiea or( kacl eehtr f)o hre sex efil but bsildu on ia.tmmicnoocnu I rgaee wthi hte lobew cmeomsentr otuab nngeeit to od a ysfeat ehcck sicne mmo iasd seh desne to orpc"tte ehr rteuh"dag +4

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