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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Form 7 Answers

step2ck_form7/Block 3/Question#38 (reveal difficulty score)
A 72-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Exploratory laparotomy 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by step_prep5(246)
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  • Odrel omwan htiw sitryho fo staerb ancrec nuofd to veha irsgncinea oiadlmban tghr,i easscit nad a difxe en-otnrned ndalexa msas mtso nrceconnig rfo avoairn ccanre
  • yeK ade: idAdcnave vroaani cnaerc tfeon dpsrase ot the nabialdmo c,avyit  osrtoaoyprelx aoptyomr lahiwt acrcen eocietnrs nda nnopteicis is enddee fr oiuasrglc ngstagi
  • Kye e:da iidIeaedmgu-g bspyoi si dncactaitedrion, sa it can pieseosrdp to dmaibnaol vtcyia siedgne
  • eKy eai:d teiAcss ni a pepsutoamlsoan wmnoa si yaswla cgoopihtal dan si eht oigrni of teh ycpailt ymmssopt of ylear ,sieatyt etwhgi a,gni c.te nees in dneavdac aiovnar rneacc


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submitted by seagull(1933)
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I lryaeltil etrdsa ta teh wrdo a""uds-ecc-l orf kile 03 odssnce dan tuthogh ot selmfy - FWT is ta?ht ehnT moytrppl essmdi eth qstoiune.

SP.. sti' het cuhop of aoslgDu urt(tceirnoee hco).up

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jlbae  I dvile on a a-cecdl-us sa a kdi, os sliybcala I gwer pu in a trouenteceri F . +4

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submitted by charcot_bouchard(574)
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scsetiA mpa;& xladnae asms t;&gg&;t lFloow ldaaxen smas kepEurnvw o if you lflwoo staices rcoltoop - asn si ncadtisgio saisen,peacrt nto ae.threutcpi

oS rhee oyu od SUG + CA 5rThe e21 can be 4 cnamtibioon -

Hhig kisR GeU+dl vaStEe 2C.A51 trso W esnec I&gnggg;&aimtt; hiwt M/IRTC oy Eortrlpxa PAL

ghiH sRki UaNl+GSomr 21.CA5 inretmtediae .ceesn Aosl do seam sa eW sutrt SUG

Lwo sikR EaUeevSlt dG+ A12.C5 eieeraInmttd cseen. tBu eerh do olny iimg.gan AC 512 is ssel tsb.eratul

wLo iRsk GSU eafrteu + Nrloma AC .125 teBs e.snec U od uferhtr ggnaimi dan AC 152 lreilasy ot irontom.

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azibird  Aereg htiw stih uporwk. tBu nscie SU dna C1-52A tr'ena rfo,dfee ohw si axepl- hte msot oaetrpipapr nxet ept?s sSeem lnrdbyicei ngorw ot do rseyrgu uhiotwt teh dltsuao,urn uw'ndtol eth serungo spal uo?y I huothgt you wlduo eedn eminhtsog aiigontdcs so echos ipcaees.tsanr Pperhsa ti oshldu eb llaedc dciginaots endaist fo cpahuietert tub 'tnsi htat lstli ettebr thna urhsign toni hte ?OR +1

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submitted by nc1992(25)
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Uenssl hrete is a anicadoicintrtno ceuesba of eth assc,eti it wluod be na raxrtloyepo pocpaasorly not a m.atyolaopr I okto lakf on cNnOG-Y rof sanyig eth ongrw noe

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submitted by niboonsh(409)
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os oyu sujt enpo a b__ pu itwtohu any toher krpouw se?weoravth iputds iuoneqts

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ak8  tcwha oyru u!thom i see ywh mebn si gesttin raedrh no ETHICS wno +1

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