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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Form 7 Answers

step2ck_form7/Block 3/Question#38 (reveal difficulty score)
A 72-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Exploratory laparotomy 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by step_prep5(246)
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  • dOrel nmawo hiwt rotisyh fo arsteb arncce dufon ot ehav einnsgacir idlanboam tihr,g scestia adn a dxief nondeertn- adenlax mass smot nnoicergcn ofr iorvaan ccarne
  • eKy d:ie aevncdadA oraainv ccnear nftoe esarpsd to eht modanbila v,atyci  sortlopryoeax oyotaplarm iwht necarc criseneot dan snoieipctn is deedne  rfoliuasgrc atsgign
  • yKe ed a:im-Igdgiuedae bipsyo s iiarcnteidtdcona, as it nca idepessopr ot ndilobmaa yvtaic nediegs
  • eKy aed:i Asectsi in a unasptpomeosal wnoma si sylawa tlaihcpgoo adn is the oiirgn fo het plityca smymopts fo lyrae sttie,ay iwtheg a,gin ce.t esne in vaaedcnd iovaarn necrac


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submitted by seagull(1933)
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I terlylila rtdsea at the orwd a-"dsuce"cl- rof lkei 03 osdesnc adn othhugt to lmeyfs - WFT si h?att eTnh mlpropty isdmse hte tqsoenui.

S..P s'ti eht hpcou of goDulas oicreenuter(t h)pc.uo

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jlbae  I liedv on a elcu-ds-ca sa a ikd, so llcsbayia I werg pu ni a tnreetuciero cuh.op .F +4

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submitted by charcot_bouchard(574)
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eAticss &apm; dnaaexl ssam g;tg&&;t woloFl axeladn msas nouvEp erwk fi uyo wlloof sistcea toprcool - asn si ciisgadnto ipect,rseasan ton arhptteeu.ic

oS rhee uyo do SUG + CA 5 eTeh12r anc eb 4 aionbnitmoc -

gHih kiRs aU EvetGSel+d 251AC. Wtros escne a;;miI&ngg&tgtg hiwt ITRM/C lxorE oatryp ALP

High Risk GmSarU N+ol 5C21.A aeetnmriedit ncse.e oslA od msae as pevr. eW srutt USG omer.

wLo sikR EeUd+ tvelGaS 1A25.C etIetimadenr .ncese Btu eher od ylno aggmn.ii AC 251 is lses art.teslub

wLo skiR USG utefear + rmNalo CA .512 setB enec.s U od tehrruf igamnig nda CA 521 ralyiles ot o.intmro

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azibird  egAre iwht tish .rkpuow But ceisn US adn 2-A51C nera't feeordf, ohw si pxea-l the omts ppioeaarptr xnte t?esp smeeS ryibicndel onwgr to do sgruyer whttoiu hte alorus,utnd d'ulonwt eht urnosge slap ou?y I httguoh you luwod ende hnetoismg iasdotcngi so ocesh aiearenpss.ct pehasPr it ldouhs be cdleal gcsiiodtna sedaint fo tchperiteau tbu s'int taht tlils eetbtr anht shunirg ntoi the RO? +1

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submitted by nc1992(25)
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lssneU ehetr si a cnnrotoniciiadta aecbeus fo the eics,ast it ludow be an pxaorteloyr cypasoorpal ont a aotpl.yarmo I tkoo klaf no O-nNYcG orf ysinga hte wrngo neo

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submitted by niboonsh(409)
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os you juts onep a __b pu tuwoith yan rhteo pkwruo heewrot?vsa sptidu iqnotuse

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ak8  wahtc ruyo mt!ohu i ees hwy ebnm is tsnegti raedhr on ICETSH nwo +1

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