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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Form 7 Answers

step2ck_form7/Block 3/Question#38 (reveal difficulty score)
A 72-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Exploratory laparotomy 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by step_prep5(246)
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  • Ordle ownam tiwh ishotry fo aestbr cnacre oufdn to evha aiiengscnr molaindab r,thig ssiteac dna a dfxie -tennernod daxlaen mssa msto ncegcnroni orf ionraav raeccn
  • yeK ea di:nvaddeAc aainvor craecn onfet epsrasd to the niadlmboa ,yitavc s orplatroyexo aaortmyo plthwi eanrcc estcrineo adn esicptnnoi si ddeene  forrcsulgai istgnag
  • yeK ade :iuemgeIigad-d ipsoyb  siattionaciddnecr, sa it cna soeeipdrsp ot bmdaliano tciyva igeneds
  • eyK ad:ie cAtsise in a splnoataspeumo mawon si aasywl caogoilpth adn is teh iinrog of het pclyati mtssympo of rlyae iet,atsy ehtgwi ,nagi etc. snee in enavadcd vaoinra cnerac


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submitted by seagull(1933)
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I laltlyier ersatd at eht dowr cc-"dul-"ase orf ikel 03 sesodnc adn oghthut to fyslme - FWT is tt?ha nTeh omtrylpp msidse eht tqn.ueosi

.S.P s'ti eht cupho fo sDaoulg tetonrri(euec po)chu.

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jlbae  I vedil on a c-dlaesc-u sa a kid, os iycalslba I ewgr up ni a tercruteeoni uc.pho F . +4

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submitted by charcot_bouchard(574)
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csAsite ;&mpa dalaenx amss &&;ttgg; wlolFo lxdaane smas vrkEn upowe fi uoy lfolow sctiesa copolrto - nsa si iisotcdagn taneseapc,sir tno eaptc.rheuti

So eher uyo od SUG + CA Trhe5e21 nac eb 4 otionbcinam -

hHgi iRks dl ES+eevtUGa CA1.25 tsorW cenes &iagtt;mggg;nI& with TRC/MI rtrolxo Eayp LAP

hgHi kisR m oUlS NarG+ 1C2.A5 rmntieeiatde .eencs oAsl do smea sa .vrpe We rtust SUG eomr.

woL iskR vUlt+dGSa e Ee .C21A5 erittdImeean neesc. uBt ehre do ynlo CA 215 is sles sr.eabltut

Lwo ikRs UGS rteufae + orNalm CA 521. Best .neesc U do furhetr agiming nad AC 512 ilysreal to mri.onot

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azibird  regAe with siht p.wukro tBu sinec US adn 15A-2C re'atn df,eoerf how is elp-ax het stom tpiapperroa xten tep?s seeSm iilbcnredy nwgro to od syrguer uittowh het rostlduuan, ou'nwltd the sogurne psal oyu? I htoutgh you owudl need mteinghos tagosciidn so ocesh anetpcai.rses esarPph ti dluosh eb cadlle igcnasiotd eatdisn of eucearthtpi tbu nsti' ttha sltli etbtre anht sghiurn ntoi the O?R +1

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submitted by nc1992(25)
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lsnseU rhtee si a aoadrcninctoitin ceesabu of the eiss,atc it uwodl eb an rrlxpyooeat sylpoocrapa nto a lpaarotm.oy I koot kfla on n-NGYcO rfo yaisgn eth nogrw noe

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submitted by niboonsh(409)
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so ouy sujt peno a b__ pu ithwout any oreth kuropw vehtre?awso sptudi onseiqtu

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ak8  cwtah uyor !tomhu i see hwy enmb is egsitnt ahrred on THESIC onw +1

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