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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Form 8 Answers

step2ck_form8/Block 3/Question#10 (reveal difficulty score)
A previously healthy 67-year-old woman comes ...
Carotid duplex ultrasonography ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: cardio

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submitted by โˆ—seagull(1933)
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N"o busrit rae ehdar roev teh kcn"e

I sarew I tannco bnag my afec ahdr ouegnh tgsniaa a a.llw

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letsdothis  eM r-ivelbabgUfeignnil-e +1
cinnapie  Yo uas@lleg I ma a eugh naf. I ma a gheu na.f I hiknt we vgae tpse 1 uonard eth asem mite adn own tpeS 2 CK. w,anyyA kpee up het doog ,rwko we ende oomeens iekl you to dad omes hourm ot thsi unigcfk s.ith Nto all hreose arew !cap!!s!e +6
sheska  fi on ursbti hnet ywh lduhos ew do a trcdaio eulxdp dodgd +
tinylilron  irutsb lobrpaby era not sienevits or iifsecpc g.h..euno lduexp is lrpbabyo a ebetrt sett +4
lindasmith462  reh"yntvige is ni eht ustqeoni orf a "roaens I tell lsmfey "nto ethegnyivr is a who myan insutqsoe heva uyo ongtet rnowg ebescua oyu gttuhho tgeimnsoh aws a ?ptra og bdaes tshwa on the oqtniesu fro noec "se!fl MEBN oging alrdmAi barAck no my ttbu vroe r.eeh +2

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submitted by โˆ—step_prep2(66)
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  • lydrEle wnamo hwo tpesrnes artfe na deepiso of raosismau xguaf eipsnsl(a iesannttr uocalmnro vision slso dusace yb a lsaml mublose ni eht polhcimtha )tyarre htwi nolrthohesl lpuaesq nda na raae of ahicesim in het octpi sdci
  • eyK :daie rmuaiossA uxfag is yighhl daesciasto whit diotrca tryrea ssetoisn htiw einrultsg tolz,iaiomebn so pasnitet suhodl be wkeord pu iwth a icrotad ratrye snoudrluat


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submitted by โˆ—azibird(279)
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ahWt is hatt labck vrslei no heer rtaein?

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submitted by โˆ—ak8(3)
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yuo otdn ese a hrreyc dor tpos on ouscfdconip mexa ipcetru - anciioitdn ofr clefinersuo gioahranpgy to MFORINC het gsinsido.a ethy eend to aks a derietfnf tinuesqo if htey tnaw su ot ipkc rode.plp nmeb yalsaw (nws=i

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