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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Free 120 Answers

step2ck_free120/Block 3/Question#85 (reveal difficulty score)
A 9-month-old boy is brought to the office by ...
Skeletal survey 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: peds

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submitted by anonmedstudent(3)
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'Tehrey isderbgnic llabeu 2/2 to rtaew rubn mfro gdippni hte bb toni oht water ts-rftitub

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submitted by osler_weber_rendu(160)
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vEen if w'ere esugtpcnsi as,eub eth rnewsa dlsohu be to cnctota clihd oetrcptvie cvseesri. Wh ta fi eth suraeb edso ton ith eht hld?ic Cna be ausbe iwth a gen klteasel seyrvu naawyy

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len49  Pkic teh bets awrnse of het iho,cces tno ysicanleesr hawt uyo dlowu od ni arle el.if +1
drdoom  4eln@9 ,euSr but in ahtt cesa urey’o nto isnyga hcum otbua //wyh “kalStele esyur”v si hte tseb resanw cceoih form eht -amnfBdErim--Mef.No naC uyo eatlaoeb?r +
drdoom  olers@ yM suges is htat a etlkesal uvsery si awth ccni“eslh” ecdvniee fo ggionon asu,eb ceins teslalek surysve acn eevlra bone nda iuests rnjiyu at v/yiganr )te(im tsgaes fo ,ahnlg/ei wihch si eht idkn fo ceneveid CSP si gongi ot ndee to sbhsaetil a ATETPNR of sbuae dna isdcetrdi cslmia kile ths“i saw juts a -oneetmi .c’”iedatcn‘ +

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submitted by dnazmzm(2)
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I thtuohg eth bbay asw inttbe yb lzriad ethn I didt'n nwko whta rysSaehocmcca icsevaieer s,wa os I ughthto it was gmnsoehti lratede ot a ziarld l!!ol! oto nimgieaia?vt

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charcot_bouchard  DO NOT CPKI METOHSIGN U NEVRE ERAHD seOlsUn.F u esbuoalylt rsue ttha noen fo setohr era ont hte nrwsae +

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submitted by bwdc(697)
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I tihkn hte iosertpcidn heer is a ielltt dod, tbu eerth’y stgeuisggn eersht’ edecneiv fo ryeall roeissu .skngpnai Wvehreen hte tsoyr stoen’d akem snees ro etrhe are yan nennoricgc aycsliph exma dfnnig,si it si airitccl ot owkr up for aeninnlocctda taamu.r

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submitted by charcot_bouchard(574)
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Autce tosen ssfsnseu.i

mnethigSo so nnmporiet ni uhsc a eritonpmn pacel kle(i a ybab ganno dene igsnepxo his kuscbtot lesrave )imest nda mmo si eikl OGM NEW AYBB WHT"sA TIHS

tSeuscp ubaes.

i swa laliintyi pidekc GSU I(TRU tg&; c)nnuIstesuoipt but hseter no oteinmn fo idaonalbm n.api

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submitted by shaz464(1)
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hTis was a lalrey uigfnnsco niuqo.esPtt geinb gsonsdeia ihwt IRU and nhte uelabl I na'swt inigthnk of sebua at a.ll If tish si woh eht xaem will be I hntki m'I edo.dmo :(

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