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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Free 120 Answers

step2ck_free120/Block 3/Question#85 (reveal difficulty score)
A 9-month-old boy is brought to the office by ...
Skeletal survey 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: peds

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submitted by anonmedstudent(3)
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r'yheTe sigrndbcei abluel /22 to tewra runb mrof igdpnpi eth bb oint oht wtare if-utsrbtt

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submitted by osler_weber_rendu(160)
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nveE fi erw'e cnuispsegt bae,us het rseawn oudlsh be ot onacctt ihcld tivetopecr eviscres. Wta h if the saureb esdo ton iht the dli?hc naC eb ueabs whti a egn eleatlsk esvyru nayayw

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len49  cPki eth sbte eawnrs fo the ciohc,es otn cnyisrseela hawt yuo ldowu od ni real .lefi +1
drdoom  4e9@ln ,rueS tbu in htta csea euo’ry ont sygian hmuc btoau h/yw/ Sla“ltkee sruvye” si the etsb wersan hecioc mfro the -r-dEfmMfBmaoin-e.N aCn uoy tlaaeer?ob +
drdoom  erlso@ yM segus is htat a lltkasee srvyue is wtah hcinc”esl“ neiveced of gogonin busa,e ecsin lltaeeks revsusy cna velera beon nad uiests injyur ta ngaivr/y etmi() gaests of n/e,aihgl whcih is het kind fo encevdie CPS is ongig to eend ot bshsaltie a TRNETAP fo sabue nda sidercdit lmasci leik tihs“ asw sjut a emit-eno c’”‘edca +

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submitted by dnazmzm(2)
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I hgotuht eth byab was ittneb yb rilzad neht I dd'tin oknw thaw cocaaSehcmyrs ivescaieer asw, so I htuhtog ti asw htgoemins eetdrla ot a dlzira !ol!!l oot iagi?entavmi

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charcot_bouchard  DO NOT CKIP IGOSMHNTE U RENEV DEHAR UlsFs e.On u lebuotylas usre atth noen fo sherot rae tno het awenrs +

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submitted by bwdc(697)
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I ihnkt hte dsreintoipc eher si a ttilel do,d tub eyhret’ etgsisungg t’srehe eincvede fo lyerla oseusir kasp.nngi eWnehevr eth tsory nd’esot eakm sesen or eterh era nya egronnincc chisypal xmea g,nsnfidi it si critailc ot kwor up orf icltoeacdnnan amatru.

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submitted by charcot_bouchard(574)
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Aceut sonet seusfs.ins

enghStmoi so ipntmeonr ni uhcs a rniepnotm aplec elki( a ybba oagnn ndee expgsino ish bocsuttk sevelra s)imte adn mmo si keli MGO NWE ABYB HATsW" ITHS

pctsueS busae.

i aws ailinlyit ceipkd USG U(TIR g;t& nusst)upctieoIn tbu eerths no noetmin fo dolbanima

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submitted by shaz464(1)
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hiTs saw a layerl ufcnoigsn e.nqttoisuP inegb ioeadgsns wiht UIR and enth ebaull I t'nswa nkihingt of beaus at al.l If shit is hwo hte amex lwil be I kitnh m'I d.edomo :(

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