nveE if ewr'e snpucsegti esau,b het rnawse ushdlo eb ot ocatntc hilcd ttcrievope csveires. thWa fi eht raseub odse not ith het hid?lc Cna eb beasu ithw a gen tlekasel ysvure yaawyn
I uhotthg the baby aws ttienb yb zirald enht I d'dint nowk what samSaryecccho evisiceaer a,ws so I togthhu it was oshinmegt deeltar to a izdalr !o!l!l oto ntmai?aegivi
I nktih het dnpceitorsi erhe is a llttei dd,o btu hyee’tr tgiegsgusn ret’ehs dvnceiee of elalry oesuirs aiknsg.pn herevenW eht rtyos ndsoe’t mkea seesn or hreet rae ayn nonencrigc sypchila mxae dngiin,sf it si tcalciri ot krwo up rfo ceaniclnndoat ua.tram
cuteA seotn snfissus.e
ehtimSngo so pnmenitro ni hcsu a ronieptnm eclap li(ke a byab ngona need nogpexis his kutscbot eaeslrv em)tis adn omm is lkei OMG WNE ABBY T"HAWs TSHI
cSupste ues.ba
i asw aiynitlil cpkdie UGS TURI( gt;& nnitusceo)putIs tbu rehtse on tmnieon fo lmboaniad ip.na
sThi aws a erylla finungcos tqu.Ptoiens ngbie aideosgns ithw IUR nad hnte laelub I tnwas' tnhnkiig fo aseub ta l.la fI tish si hwo het eamx llwi be I ntkhi mI' me. odod (:
submitted by anonmedstudent(3)
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