Enev if ree'w tpcsgiusen ue,abs teh awresn ulshod be to cnoctta dhlic recttpevoi ieevrscs. Wtha if teh uasreb deos tno hti het ld?cih anC eb asebu iwth a gne lsetklea evysru ayynwa
I htgtouh het aybb was itbtne yb aizrld etnh I di'tdn wnok ahwt cSrcahmecoays iirvceease ,asw so I oghutht it asw otisngmeh drteela to a airlzd !lo!!l oot ventagmaii?i
I hiktn eht epdnotsicri eehr si a lltiet o,dd ubt ’tyehre nsiuggtesg tre’esh eenidcev of eayllr osreusi knsg.ipan ehevernW eht oytrs sotnd’e kmae snsee ro there era nya ccnreiongn cplashiy maxe ,fngidnis ti is itccilra ot krwo pu for oianlenandctc m.uatra
eAuct tsoen usssnef.is
Steiohnmg so pmtrnineo ni hsuc a minrpeont calpe ei(lk a abby nogan edne sginexop hsi kbutctso vaserel emt)si nad mmo is like GOM WEN ABBY HWs"TA THSI
suSpcte asueb.
i wsa nililtaiy pdekci UGS (TIUR ;> oipsI)tncenuust but etsreh no itonnem fo lomnbadia p.nia
siTh swa a yelrla gsifnounc totenqui.sP enibg naesdiogs wiht URI dan neht ulaleb I wtsna' khigtinn fo eaubs ta .all fI siht si hwo eth exma ilwl eb I tkhni 'mI od.eod m :(
submitted by anonmedstudent(3)
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h'rTeye gnidresicb elaubl /22 ot tewar ubnr ormf ipdipng eth bb tion hot awert tfbtitrus-