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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Free 120 Answers

step2ck_free120/Block 3/Question#85 (reveal difficulty score)
A 9-month-old boy is brought to the office by ...
Skeletal survey 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: peds

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submitted by anonmedstudent(3)
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'Tehrey irniebgcsd uablel /22 ot artew unbr rfom pniidgp teh bb into hto aewrt -ftsutirtb

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submitted by osler_weber_rendu(160)
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vEne if erew' gpcntusesi absue, hte serwna hsoldu be to tctncoa cildh rtcveipote rceissve. tW ha if het asbure deos otn hit het lh?dci Can eb uebas htwi a nge eelklsat suyerv nwyaay

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len49  kiPc eth esbt erswan of eht ocieh,sc not lnicyresesa waht you ulwdo od ni alre .efli +1
drdoom  @4ln9e euSr, tub ni ttah aces e’uory ont iyngsa hmcu taoub wy/h/ ekltSeal“ e”usvyr si the tbse nraews cocieh form hte fnde--.BMaNmEi-orfm Cna uyo loaaetrb?e +
drdoom  erlso@ My usesg is that a lktseeal ryveus si whta nc”icl“esh veeicnde of noonigg ues,ab since eaksetll sysveur acn verela boen and eusits unjriy ta rnvgyai/ t)im(e esagst of l,ag/hien hihcw is the ikdn of ceneveid SPC si niogg to ened to slhaiebst a ARNPTET of ubsae nda cdteisrdi alcsmi kile “tshi aws jtus a meoitn-e i’c.ectnda”‘ +

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submitted by dnazmzm(2)
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I hghuott teh abyb saw enbtit by ldazri neth I 'ndidt onkw tahw rehamoascSycc rseaiceiev w,sa so I hgtouht ti saw otmhsiegn radelte to a darizl l!o!!l oot aieivtnai?gm

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charcot_bouchard  DO NOT PCIK NMISHETOG U EVENR RDAEH UOn u etobllsuay eurs atth onen fo hrtoes ear ton eth eanrsw +

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submitted by bwdc(697)
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I itnhk the tsdinicorpe ehre si a litelt d,do tbu ’hytere gnsugtiges hesre’t eeicdenv fo yalrel ssureoi sg.nkapni Wrehvene eht tryos ’tneods eakm snese ro eehrt ear yan ocnriecgnn slyhpaic xame fignis,dn it si triacicl ot krow up for nndtoienaalcc .auratm

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submitted by charcot_bouchard(574)
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tuceA esnot .ssnsseiuf

oitghnmeS so pnenortmi ni hscu a eoninmrtp pleac lkie( a byba goann eedn nxpsgeoi ish skttuocb vseearl ims)te adn mmo is ielk MGO ENW BYBA "sWHAT HSTI


i swa taliylini cpkied SGU IU(RT ;&tg ce)osIuttuinsnp ubt hsreet on mnentoi fo adnmloiba .apni

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submitted by shaz464(1)
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shiT asw a ellayr ugosnfcin .ientoqstPu egibn sgdsiaeno twih IUR nda neht labelu I nwat's iktginhn of aseub at fI stih si owh het xema lilw be I ntkih 'Im oeomd.d (:

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