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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 1/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
An 80-year-old woman is being evaluated for ...
Additional testing to confirm the diagnosis of TA ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—kstebbins(24)
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I saw rwhnot ffo eusaebc .marhaPt/Do ttaaSr dan pxoieizr asy ti is iatirclc to sattr tdosreis SAAP ot doiva eemnrtanp megada ot hte mpthilhoac tyarre and lidbnenss in stipnaet uspetsedc of hgavni ntiaG ellC Tmpe)alo(r tiriAsret.

isTh esman nto tngiwia fro cadigonits .intomacorfni

eerwoHv a 9%9 iistsienytv sode nto eeutaq ot a 99% taitceyrn fo AA.T/GC So aatlinoddi ttnisge si eth bset asnerw icoche eenv toughh hre tedealev ERS egivs su nrosgt cnioupsis of CAT/A.G

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nsinghey  tlce,ayx eht rnsaeo ywh tsi tno disoesrt is cubease ttah resawn icoehc ssay teh sdsioagin of TA sah eben sihdeltbaes hitw %99 tteiyrnca hwchi is OTN teru +3
j44n  hsit tsinqeou htrwe em ebacseu uoy xt tsih no ccniilal ncsuipsoi ln.aoe oS i swa ornt teeebwn eth hgrti aenrws nad eht afct atth fi you peearted SRE iagan adn sti otvpeiis ouy doyu hte vgie etsrsiod +5
kcyanide101  hisT is hwo i ese i.t rsFt,yil eth iqontseu etstsa atth igccoiortldu hsa a evrees aeedvrs eetf.fc lmnpigIy oyu aehv ot eb reyv user het eattnip sah TA eoefbr dirN ,ansao.ttoimniw bmemrere ttha iSyvetitins suelr out aieses,D iwleh fisiipctcye eslur i.n ialsaBcy,l fi uyo use a hlyghi eisvtseni estt dna etts vgetinea it enmas oyu lerayl ndo ton hvae eth ea.seisd nO het rhote hdan if uyo seu a hyighl cpiecsfi tets nda test tvepisio uyo uyltr do evha teh isdasee. In ihst cesa hte tisivysniet fo eht SER is 9,9% egimnan lepoep hwo ttes gaeevnit ihwt it veha no oinongg ilneca/aomahmcftisnn fo .AT On het ehrot dhan 'tsi ystiifceipc is 6%0 cwhhi anems htta eht eipsovit lstuer of anyneo hwo etsst insug ERS a'cnt be rsutdte as neibg oto .liaebrle As hcs,u urthrfe tegitsn is dndeee ot ficormn nI sthi cesa pootin S.A..P ni saohlitp tisgnet uyo tjus egvi dclroo.iugitc Tihs qtsnouie si emor or sles pltcayeothhi I p.suemre +2

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cheesetouch(250)
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Stysniviiet of 9%9 nmaes hatt lomsat lla AT wlli ahve ihgh SER. (nS = fpptt+/n() t&;g- wlo elsaF gi.e)vtaen OE,RHEVW a eftciscpyii of jtsu 0%6 enams hihg RSE acn ceiidnat NYMA HTORE dsieesa scr.ospsee nI a etts tiwh olw sctpci,yieif emor stset dhluso be deno ot iocnmfr osnadgsi.i

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