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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 1/Question#14 (reveal difficulty score)
A 21-year-old man comes to the emergency ...
Inferior rectal vein ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—lfcdave182(45)
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gP 366 AF .2020

  • oleBw ttpeieacn :eiln ltaneExr serihmoodh:r afiuPln if sdrboohtm:e fiIeronr claeRt .inVe
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neovanilla  etNo: pg 536 FA 0202 etst:sa olrntacea asv:iecr polart gt;-&;-tl& yseistm:c uiserorp lctrae -;t-;>&l mdlied nda nfioeirr taelr.c Not suer fi thsat' erroc,tc but liifenetdy hte oinf eictd in gp 663 si oerccrt +3
cheesetouch  AF 1082 6p03 +2
lovebug  FA 1902 3.60p +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lpp06(41)
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oerHrmsdhio ear dtiltnsaaio of oarersvroientu xssuepel in teh t.ecrmu lasocBgke on eth aetialrr sied wlil otn aucse the psxeul ot llfi helwi suvneo osmeborhts iwll ucaes a cakb pu fo .dflui

lesCu ofr tginihn hchiw envi ear eth acoitoln at the anla gmnrai and taht he swa in tmereex n.pia realtnEx 'hmes llwi be fpnauli, opitgnni atrowds ofrerini acretl as eht sanrwe eincs it idasrn woleb het atetcinep einl ewhre naletxer 'mhse aer ond.fu

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skilledboyb  naoeyn nwko who ot rlue out ldmide reltca ievn mth?sbsreoo +
prostar  it is usjt ahtt hwne bhto rae ni topnio og orf nriierfo cratel evni. shti si rome tpa. ro lees othb rea .crtroce +

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