late onset CAH w/ 21 hydroxylase defiency--> excess androgens (increased facial hair and irregular menses, etc), salt wasting (low BP), increased 17-hydroxyprogesterone is key
11B problem= HTN and excess androgens
17a problem= HTN and decreased androgens
5a reductase converts testosterone to DHT
3B-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is involved in steroid synthesis earlier in the pathway
bingcentipedeIf you see HYPOtension in a CAH question, it's gotta be 21-hydroxylase!+3
bingcentipedeMy special friend just gave me a mnemonic for this that I did not know. If the 1 is the 1st digit (11, 17) = hypertension. If there is a 1 in the 2nd digit (11, 21) = virilization. +5
submitted by โicedcoffeeislyfe(56)
late onset CAH w/ 21 hydroxylase defiency--> excess androgens (increased facial hair and irregular menses, etc), salt wasting (low BP), increased 17-hydroxyprogesterone is key
11B problem= HTN and excess androgens 17a problem= HTN and decreased androgens 5a reductase converts testosterone to DHT 3B-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is involved in steroid synthesis earlier in the pathway