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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 3/Question#13 (reveal difficulty score)
A 15-year-old girl is brought to the ...
First-degree burn ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—waitingonprometric(264)
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inAgcrdco ot .pdl0t/egvp3echu/t./thniise0e0l0t:ynscla0m/o/rm

eT"her ear tereh lselve of nusb:r

esrtegeiFrd- rsubn fceatf noly eth oetru alery of teh .niks ehTy ucesa np,ai ,sreedsn dna neg.ilswl

rce-deneogSde bsnru atffce thbo eth utero nad rnnluegdiy aeylr of nsk.i hTye aeusc apn,i ernd,ess swlgel,ni dan Teyh era sola ldecla alratip kshistcen nu.rbs

igerede-dhrT unsrb tffeca het eedp seyrla fo .nski eTyh rae oasl aledlc lluf etkhsncis .snbur hTey acseu hiwte ro ckadneel,b unrbed hTe isnk aym eb n.m"bu

Our tptnaie sha yoln rsesend adn pnia vore reh k,sin tub no rhreot-es-feitrles,b hse stum aevh rd-treiegesf nusbr c/(b irisgnltbe gsneib ni dero-esgeednc .)rnbsu

IF:Y Rush iesmttiadr is l-icdoeuhunrudsi naottcc eadie-sm.r.-titi opisno ,yiv spiono ,koa iopons .acsmu d'I verne eahdr ti lacedl taht!

unS ealrgly acn be desu ot sreeidbc a ubenmr fo hcit,y red nksi itnsnoocdi ttah lveoped tfrae sun uB,t ti mots loyommcn rreesf to sun pongiino,s cwihh setnersp whit ct,hiy tyni mtu-;b&psg- hsti is otn a gdnnifi ni uro ep.ntati onoso7st/cmiwe.isam2ys0iaylccswa3-c/mhs-egds/ss/rly-u0t/-wtngcpsdrepu:so7n.tn8leaoii/7y

unscramble the site ⋅ become a member$279$49
lucifer546  Wtah studrsbi me si teh yroiths fo gnuis eht nk.cosbul I hgothtu it idnhet waya frmo snu mdeaidte .aagmde +1
taylor5479  ehT qioestun tmnideoen thta seh used csbnkolu e"yevr few or"uhs, chiwh is'nt a railbeel incadotri atth ehs aws ateqduaely otpect.dre ,Frsit rhtse'e no netoiindif for how namy huors hes oinrssecd ot be a ",f"we (mtso snkluscbo ear eduopsps to be lieadprpe vryee 80 iutnmes or os). e,doScn reeths' on oetimnn fo teh sehtngtr of sclboukn Fo(r all we ,wkno she vlou'dec nbee ngsiu a speru wlo PFS ni an efftro to get a nt.a She was thuinsn"ba"g taref ll.a) +3

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