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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 3/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
A previously healthy 48-year-old nulligravid ...
Endometrial hyperplasia ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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neieUrt osdontciin A022F0 648p

  • eminsoAdosy - oenxntsei of rneutei lomrinatede llgadaurn uietss oint teh rtuiene utyemmrm;io wduol enprets iwht mdhnsoerayre or aamnbrol teruine ilndegbe hwit a mnruoilfy naedgler tsfo adn barlgulo utuser
  • mdtEeolnair iapehlarspy - ramloanb omnilteared gdlna inr,firpleoaot aatbdnnu stusie tub on aaspiyds;l etnprsse hiwt hvyae dgebelni dgiunr snmsee, orem omnmoc in dilagvurinl due to eexcss noegetsr
  • idomnrlEtea psamaailet - ataipamsel si iftrtosoaannrm of oen cell tpye to onretah; iths cna eb a iegbnn sspoerc ro atasscoide iwth lgnmainayc tub luwod not lyekli eestrnp wthi abutndna susiet on utraeecgr
  • oesrEmoiisdnt - ou-ekidtmelmienr agtmrlsdsa/on outsedi of eht tueiner yavict in( ov,yar livp,es or eutreinp;mo) enrpstse wthi ANPI nda hvaye eldigben ro yneeamrdhsoor
  • Ettderismnoi - oaiimtalmnfn fo het ioeremmund,t adtioacess hitw rtenaied ocptrsdu of nniotcecpo ro orgfnie yodb
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submitted by โˆ—j44n(141)
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ihts wsa dnik fo a gergaba sqnoietu ebsecua s'she tisll hgvnia onmalr ir,eposd ehs tsnha thi msnoeuepa tye but ehss sle.oc Waht slels ti ti eth IBM of 27 icwhh is ithlclyenac ewiorveght anmr(lo IBM esdn ta 25) so the vaeledte tfa is cugnasi hre ot hvea rlhappisyae omrf lal eht oeenstr moicng mrof ehr t.fa So dugnir reh iepfovlritrea paehs the eddad tronesge mrof hre tfa is canisug it to be vdeneroo

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