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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 4/Question#30 (reveal difficulty score)
A 45-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Tumor necrosis factor ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: pharm Immuno

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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olMonancol itanisbdeo dues fro otmrlmayafni wloeb seaisde unceidl nxifbliiam dna aliaum,badm bhto fo cihwh ear retcdide gatnsai FNaalThp 0A20(2F ,p832 2,21 748)

tehnrAo yaw fo ingtkhin batuo ihts is to hnitk taubo monomc tetupcireha sodbaitnei ueds sa ewll sa het ncoiftnu fo eht otrhe gnihts dilets to amiitenle phlaaFNT is nmoylmco dokblec yb ocigsliob rof yertaph in eotmumuani dna flinarommayt sse,adei nad nrglyalee ti mkase esnse ti odlwu be nfieaeblci ot lbcko as it si neo fo the yiaprrm tylamrmipaf-noor entcyisko

idnyiBrkna si odvinelv in anomantfmlii but has no rmaoj haectrtipeu bsA ettgargin it. a5C is na ayxalon,oihntp nad uthgho lloconomna noiidbaets grgtnatei 5C do xtesi eyht aer seud ot etrat mlxraayops rouanlnt mlroungbaeiih.o Ca5 sedo ont paly a oamrj elro in het sthseeopgnai of I.BD cinkolBg cassl I CMH egntasni edso otn akme esne,s as nanistge era whta cliite eht neuimm eeopsrsn and rae stnpdeere to l-sceTl and heetr are ionlmlis of pbliesso niestagn that locdu be trpseened ahtt rae nceiitigl eht yflamomraitn eosnsrep. fI you okblc asslc I HCM seitflt ti luodw asol eb etxrmyeel ltnaeirdmet sa tehn CD8 -llscTe wudol ton eb eabl ot rsnpode to ayn .cceiifetnnt/o niriFb si deivonlv ni eth lntgcito hpytaaw and wudlo tno be lebeiafnic ot bkcol ni B.DI G2EP si essacatdoi tihw ia,np tub it is ton edagrtet by any tpriautheec ntios.ibead

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cheesetouch  AF 24P7 mafmbxbinlumai/iadlai Tai-F-NAnt oncoallnom Ab +2
murad  htkan uyo so muhc fro griopndiv eth FA 2810 agpe nurmeb aawyls +

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