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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
15-year-old, lesions on neck, acid-fast ...
Temperature Sensitivity ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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oMybiamturcec ealerp leski ocol erptrsteeuma (02A2F0 11p)4

ebMcumarcioty peelra si na f-ditscaa iatacreb ihhwc anc eucas wot insk ssati:etfonnami

  • ooupaertsLm snptrese eysluffdi rvoe eht nkis nda hwit onleein ascief dna si rmoe uosesri iwth a leglyra T2h neseoprs adn high tcraaebi aold
  • ouclerbidTu thaw( rou tpaniet )sha pstsener wtih a efw teiceyposthh ssirealh snik sqalpeu iwth a lgraley Th1 rpsenoes nad wol tiaacreb load

Lorespy iselk ocol ueemsaertptr os ti ecsitnf knsi nda puciraeilfs .evnesr veEn huttiwo ingwkno the ogarinm,s eth nilk uocdl aosl be epaltyoilnt irr!feend

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bingcentipede  nI oitdnid,a het lnoy hteor tadasicf- baetiurmc is ;adrociaN ethy oduwl ehva ot bseierdc it sa nfictlnnagm/eihobusra (ONT a a)u.bcsi!ll +3

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