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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
63-year-old man, 3-month history of ...
Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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lesSep rtebte snttigi igrtphu - ltfe rteah rfaleiu mtmspsyo

JVD nad anek mdaee - rghti erath alufrei sstmpmoy

hitgR taher rfilaeu ihtw acubpk into teh vseuon tysmse aucess aedme by ciinansegr lilparyac rshdtycaoti epserrus te(h shup erspesru) nda ghu"ipns" orme udfil toni het trnlstitaiie stsiue apec.s

eescearDd lsmapa loiolcd ictncoo esspeurr et(h lupl sp)resreu lucod atlnicecylh lsoa aseuc maede ubt hsti dluwo be ylelki emro dscaoseiat twih a oryisht fo stmompys fo slos of niporte (.i.e ervil feliaru adn ityaibinl to emak mlaibun ro ikyden isuess nad )irirnueo.pat

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waitingonprometric  I nhkit neivg the smspytmo fo pnr,tooahe he sha L desi areht fluiera itwh diful kgcinab up onit ish glsn.u L esddi retha flaeuri si teh osmt conmom uscea of R rhate la,iufre hciwh si ykille pensrte in siht dedu oot niacerde(s .PV)J nlogA tiwh L thera iue,afrl ouy uwldo egt asedecder OC -g&-;t vnaioictat of SNS and RSAA ot tmanaini oobld urpeessr t&g;-- cedrieans uldif neoivnorttem/ule in triocliuanc &-;tg- eanedirsc ilaplaycr cydashottir eresprus g-;&t- tridh iasnpgc fo fulids ..ei( eankl e) +6
kayla  ePlase rccorte me fi I ma gr,own btu I olas eilebve erhe etyh are gtstien uobta atdvteausinr .vs aeuxie.vdt areHt rueflia si ntsiuaarvedt ,hust we nca ducelex yan awenrs icehsco nairggder pcaallriy rtmieeib.aypl sA sawdagsc ,dettas etreh is no cnaiotniid rehe fo nay lsso of pnrtoe,i os we nca exlcude het ocnitco rusprees sa a leasonrabe snraew ,cceosih dna hwta ew aer ltef tihw rae eth ycatdhsotir pur.eessr Teh lyon neo ttha ksema esnse eeebntw het tow si an eserinac in otsadctyhri surspee.oArls itaotiipncg,wrneorm oelv the ean,m rtyos of my i!fel +1

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