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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
35-year-old woman has an abnormal Pap smear. ...
Neoplastic cells in the sub-basement membrane connective tissue ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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iTsh si calbyilsa a snqeuoit fo iooyergm.nlt (0F20A2 912p)

vniIaevs sname it has edeteatprn hte etnambes mnerbmea ubt ocisvi"mervai"n dlwou usamse ti has ont addevin nusnorgirdu seisuts sa ti ahs ont

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dhkahat  ma i ycarz ?eerh sTih nqoueisst esems dod to .em Bsueeca llfu ensstickh fo hte mhtlpueeii had ot vaeh enbe eodvecr by ltaiocneps lscle ifstr tgi?rh dki yemab i gto efusndoc yb the rnidgow wath "dela ot this gandis"soi +1
j44n  ahtw 'trehey akgltni btoau htwi thta eno is a rcaaocnim sint-itu;g& EI sti tselcanpoi but ti hsa yte to eanidv +1
ali_hassan  so ylilscaab het lufl ktcesihsn of ueimhpelti sha been eocpudci nda 'tsi gnoe tllyghsi yonebd oint hnesmtbate-e meenabrm t,eiuss ubt nto het ltauac emrbanme eutiss (ceneh v)msanoori""niic +2

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submitted by solangelroma(2)
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ovimsranciino as a nieslo taht eaniddv lebwo the ebmatesn emmanreb to a pedht fo 3 mm or sls,e with no eieedvnc of nanoivsi of eht oamalurlchvsyp

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