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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
An 81-year-old woman is admitted to the ...
Potentiates the action of antithrombin III ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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She sha iHepran udciend erocpibhotmytano, hwihc nca eb dedduec due ot eth ceadeesr ni alelettp tncuo etfar caoiiemntd tnnotamsaiiidr and eht aftc thta ehs wsa gibne trteaed rof a simeavs E.P rnHeapi si duse fro ieaedmtim autagncnlioaoit of EP nad ot ertta TVD encerrceur 020(2FA 3p)64.

Syiptmamcot ITH e(pTy )2 si uecdas by oleptemndve fo GgI siiadnbteo aaistng tleaetpl nobdu fatcro 4.

eTh ecmnmaish fo inraeph si nnitoetatopi of teh icaton of niirhtmatbn,o chhiw drsaceees the tonaic fo hoitmrnb and cartfo Xa and rtfeeeohr tcas sa an ancngtoaaltui

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submitted by โˆ—solidshake(25)
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loAs odgo to nwko taht ylno ciftdeUnnotara nrpaieH sah eht yaiblti to 1() dbni ot farcto Xa nda ofhrreete ptaettnoei a-tgoluoncatniiA and )(2 bdni to ttnhmroii-Anb III adn rnhomTbi tshu ibngnrig meht oghetrte nad rehftereo tepoaientt agoniAotnuiac-lt

odtFarcietna pirneHa nca olyn od )(1

Rnagosnei is ued to eth fedrencief of zsei btnewee the pnaeihr eemllscuo dan wtha ethy acn dnbi ot

e(se wUrlod dQi# 122)3

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