oelocrPnnattipem --&g;t gyninde the emlrpbo e.(.i if iths tainpte 'idtnd hnkit atht he dneede nsiulin ot oltornc shi bodol sg)uar
nCponaoemtlit g-;-t& scdgnoaekelw eht ,reoblmp utb si nllnigwui ot hgecna .ei(. rou piaettn ehe,r onswk hatt he eedns ninus,li utb ton dyare ot atek ti /bc it dmae oelppe ni his lfmyai isc)k
rneptnePtrni/ataaroeiodmi g--&;t nrppragie fro aihvlaerob agnech .(ei. tpainte asnikg hte ocotdr ot sbpcreeir iuisnnl ot lncorto hsi bodlo agsu)r
pntlcoeiw/Awilro ;>-- hcganngi orbvehasi i.(e. ianttep si igktna snnui)li
naeinectaMn &;tg-- iamnanniitg ecsagnh e.(.i nieatpt has tekna sih nluiins rof aslt 5 yaers with )eltifyid
sRaplee t&;g-- nurergnit ot ldo sovhireab adn dnnanoagib csehgan
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oelocrPnnattipem --&g;t gyninde the emlrpbo e.(.i if iths tainpte 'idtnd hnkit atht he dneede nsiulin ot oltornc shi bodol sg)uar
nCponaoemtlit g-;-t& scdgnoaekelw eht ,reoblmp utb si nllnigwui ot hgecna .ei(. rou piaettn ehe,r onswk hatt he eedns ninus,li utb ton dyare ot atek ti /bc it dmae oelppe ni his lfmyai isc)k
rneptnePtrni/ataaroeiodmi g--&;t nrppragie fro aihvlaerob agnech .(ei. tpainte asnikg hte ocotdr ot sbpcreeir iuisnnl ot lncorto hsi bodlo agsu)r
pntlcoeiw/Awilro ;>-- hcganngi orbvehasi i.(e. ianttep si igktna snnui)li
naeinectaMn &;tg-- iamnanniitg ecsagnh e.(.i nieatpt has tekna sih nluiins rof aslt 5 yaers with )eltifyid
sRaplee t&;g-- nurergnit ot ldo sovhireab adn dnnanoagib csehgan