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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
A 36-year-old man undergoes elective ...
Decreases release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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ihsT nam hsa glntimana ritrhhpemy,ea a earr tbu rafnniiehtelt-eg tpmlcoanocii fo omse tenssehtaic aa(lculyriprt eht dleilonihlt)ave/a 00(22FA 550p)

heT mtrttneea is arteedlno,n a inoayedrn teoprrce tanisganto ihwch ssdeareec maliccu learsee mrof eht cassomcirpla uielmucrt le(reanntDo is oals sdeu sa a tmntateer fro leetpcnoiur nlamnaigt )ydnresmo.

If uoy natw a rrrfeshee on tawh eth hkce a rioeayndn roeetcrp RYR() si: 2AF(020 6p45)

  • In esleklat s,ueclm hte RRY is the aulcmci anhncle no teh rmipccssalao iruucltem wihch si lcuodep ot a ovltega eevssniit iydyriihrpoeddn caulcim enl.hacn
  • Rembemre lelsetak elsmuc is muiccla eahnncl iddunec macciul sleaeer, so ti si an acutal pialyshc upcgioln fo eth rrseetopc wihch auscse eht RRY ot epon (ihts is frefiedtn anht in airaccd mculse weher eht RRY rea lciuamc cnedu,id dan it is a gdibnin fo uilcacm hatt rregitsg hirte onniegp)
  • nI eth hre,ta ihrrdpiyoidydne etcreopsr rea olsa elcald L-tyep muiccla hecanlns ro ocnntgLga-i. tep-yT rea a ytllepmceo ffetedrni elchann dna rea inentrast s(dronpe ot weolr teogvl.a) RRY aer tllis RYR tbu a effniretd sutpbey tnha ni altseelk c.mlues
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