Qsuitone cebdiessr eht neeticg pnocect of puaatilnrne osiymd ( tngriehini ohbt enesg/ aesllel fmro noe trnaep )
stMo sasec fo tuaaepnlnri mdiosy iwll eigv a lamonr pheyonpte utb ni seacs hnew mrinptniig si levdvnio ( ulanrat esnlgniic of sgeen ) , aomrlesabntii aym ccour .*
eTak for pmxaele hte two smto comlnymo ditec mpxlease fo hsti atoitnius
dPerar li-Wil nda nelmAgna osrnedmy
In redaPr liWil - lymronla hte eneg eeivrdd mrfo mtrhoat(e htta ecpiifcs lcosu ) si enslceid dan it is the prtlanae aellle cwhhi is a.ctloinnfu If het paatnler eeng seomceb dteeedl , lal you nde up whti a si eth eohsrmt oscnnntlilf/oaencidune leelal . entaryAillvet fi hbto egnes aer alnymretla eidervd ( rtpaeaninlU siDmoy ) , uyo end up iwth 2 ednianoe/unsnctfllonic snege
heT mase gtnhi socrcu for neglaamn tsuj ic-vaesver
submitted by โandro(269)
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$279$49Qsuitone cebdiessr eht neeticg pnocect of puaatilnrne osiymd ( tngriehini ohbt enesg/ aesllel fmro noe trnaep )
stMo sasec fo tuaaepnlnri mdiosy iwll eigv a lamonr pheyonpte utb ni seacs hnew mrinptniig si levdvnio ( ulanrat esnlgniic of sgeen ) , aomrlesabntii aym ccour .* eTak for pmxaele hte two smto comlnymo ditec mpxlease fo hsti atoitnius
dPerar li-Wil nda nelmAgna osrnedmy
In redaPr liWil - lymronla hte eneg eeivrdd mrfo mtrhoat(e htta ecpiifcs lcosu ) si enslceid dan it is the prtlanae aellle cwhhi is a.ctloinnfu If het paatnler eeng seomceb dteeedl , lal you nde up whti a si eth eohsrmt oscnnntlilf/oaencidune leelal . entaryAillvet fi hbto egnes aer alnymretla eidervd ( rtpaeaninlU siDmoy ) , uyo end up iwth 2 ednianoe/unsnctfllonic snege
heT mase gtnhi socrcu for neglaamn tsuj ic-vaesver