oytiteseslmOi si a mcnoom loipcicontam fo kecisl clle idassee nda can eb tdsgisudehnii heer sbcaeue of hte eatdvlee lnCto/phueiWBr nacigi(nitd eaclrtiba entcnio)fi. It is itamnrtop to neto teh somt cmnmoo suaec fo kciels ellc lieotetmoysis is eloaSmllna or tSahp rseuua ni( a lhytahe iuavlniidd the otsm comomn eacus is hStpa eu.a)urs 2F0A[20 80p1 nda 224]
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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$279$49oytiteseslmOi si a mcnoom loipcicontam fo kecisl clle idassee nda can eb tdsgisudehnii heer sbcaeue of hte eatdvlee lnCto/phueiWBr nacigi(nitd eaclrtiba entcnio)fi. It is itamnrtop to neto teh somt cmnmoo suaec fo kciels ellc lieotetmoysis is eloaSmllna or tSahp rseuua ni( a lhytahe iuavlniidd the otsm comomn eacus is hStpa eu.a)urs 2F0A[20 80p1 nda 224]